Posted on behalf of Dr. Mary Liz Jameson, Wichita State University 
( Please direct any questions or applications for 
this position to her.

MS Graduate Assistantship in Grassland and Orthoptera Ecology

We are seeking a highly motivated individual with interest in Orthoptera 
ecology and identification. The successful candidate will assist in research 
across the state of Kansas comparing Orthoptera on grazed and ungrazed 
grasslands in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). In Kansas, the CRP 
program currently has over 2 million acres—much of which is re-established, 
native grassland. However, there is currently no dominant grazer on most of 
these sites despite the critical role that bison historically played in these 
systems. Our study will test how two CRP plantings (CP2 and CP25), which differ 
in the number of forbs planted, influence the restoration of 108 grassland 
sites across the precipitation gradient in Kansas and whether periodic grazing 
by cattle can enhance habitat diversity for insects, plants, and birds.

The ideal person for this position is self-motivated, works well with a team of 
field researchers, has a basic understanding of statistics, has knowledge of 
grassland ecosystems, and has a strong interest in ecology and entomology. 
However, students with the aptitude to learn quickly will also be considered. 
The successful applicant will have a strong commitment to entomology and 
ecology and desire to learn a range of tools/techniques/methods. Proficiency in 
oral and written English required. Applicants should have a B.S. in entomology, 
ecology, or biology and must meet the requirements for admission at Wichita 
State University ( 
Successful applicants will receive a 2.5-year assistantship with stipend, full 
tuition waiver, and health benefits. In the first semester, the successful 
applicant will be employed as a technician while she/he learns the research 
system and begins data-collection/sorting for the 2018 field season. 
Anticipated start date is late July to mid-August of 2018.

Deadline for applications is July 23, but early applications are encouraged. 
Interested applicants should email CV, transcript, and a letter describing 
research interests and future goals to Dr. Mary Liz Jameson 

Wichita State University is a metropolitan research-intensive university set in 
a suburban area (~640,000 people) with a diverse student body, yet close to 
numerous high-quality grasslands including the iconic Flint Hills. Wichita 
offers many opportunities for cultural/artistic activities and low 
cost-of-living. The Department of Biological Sciences at WSU includes core 
facilities in environmental biology, imaging and bioinformatics, animal care 
facility, greenhouse, and Biological Field Stations. Previous graduate students 
have gone on to PhD programs or are employed with state or federal management 
agencies. More information about the Department, including a complete list of 
departmental facilities, and current Graduate Faculty and their teaching and 
research interests is available on our web site at: Information about graduate school at WSU is 
available at

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