Dear Colleagues:

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our 2018 AGU session 
focused on water resources and sustainability:

Session ID: H041

Session Description:   Watersheds, as the fundamental unit of water management, 
comprise both terrestrial (e.g. grassland, forests, urban, and cropland) and 
aquatic (e.g. streams, wetlands, and lakes) ecosystems wherein water quantity 
and quality is influenced by both land management (e.g. land use change and 
conservation) and riverine interventions (e.g. diversion and impounding). This 
session seeks novel contributions that couple terrestrial and aquatic processes 
to advance fundamental knowledge, analytic tools, and assessment methods, 
thereby supporting science informed decision/policy making in watersheds with 
varying natural and socio-economic conditions. Topics covered in this session 
will focus on advances in characterization of processes and parameters 
regulating terrestrial-aquatic connectivity at the watershed scale, and 
applications of watershed models to understand sustainable pathways for 
achieving human needs (e.g. drinking water, food and energy), while minimizing 
negative impacts on water resources (e.g. groundwater depletion, aquatic 
ecosystem degradation, greenhouse gas emissions, and loss of recreational value 
and biodiversity).

Session Link:

Organized by:

Xuesong Zhang (PNNL)

Jaehak Jeong (Texas A&M)
Gregory W. McCarty (USDA-ARS)
Ryan T Bailey (Colorado State University)
Qichun Yang (PNNL)

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