*From the AIBS Science Policy Newsletter: *

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting nominations of scientific experts to serve on its Science Advisory Board (SAB).  SAB is a chartered Federal Advisory Committee that provides independent scientific advice and recommendations to the EPA Administrator on a range of science and research programs.

SAB is seeking experts in the following scientific disciplines: Analytical chemistry; benefit-cost analysis; causal inference; complex systems; ecological sciences and ecological assessment; economics; engineering; geochemistry; health sciences; hydrology; hydrogeology; medicine; microbiology; modeling; pediatrics; public health; risk assessment; social, behavioral and decision sciences; statistics; toxicology; and uncertainty analysis.

SAB is also seeking nominations for vacancies on four SAB committees, including the Agricultural Science Committee, the Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee, the Drinking Water Committee, and the Radiation Advisory Committee.

Qualified individuals may be nominated by any interested person or organization.  Self-nominations are also accepted.  Nominations should be submitted online, no later than August 8, 2018, at https://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabpeople.nsf/WebCommittees/BOARD.

SAB members are appointed for a three-year term and include scientists, engineers, economists, and behavioral and social scientists.  In 2017, Scott Pruitt, the EPA Administrator at the time, had signed a directive prohibiting researchers who receive government funding to serve on the Board.

For more information on the selection criteria and how to submit nominations, go to: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/07/09/2018-14680/request-for-nominations-of-candidates-to-the-epas-science-advisory-board-sab-and-sab-standing

Dr. David W. Inouye
Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4415

Principal Investigator
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
PO Box 519
Crested Butte, CO 81224

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