Dear colleagues, 

We invite your submissions to our AGU session on the hydrology and
biogeochemistry of agricultural landscapes. We would love ecologically
themed contributions. 

B006: Agricultural systems: links between hydrology and biogeochemical cycling                   

Benjamin Runkle, University of Arkansas
Arlene Adviento-Borbe, USDA-ARS
Michele Reba, USDA-ARS
Kosana Suvočarev, University of Arkansas

Agriculture plays an important role in hydrological and biogeochemical
cycling on multiple temporal and spatial scales. The human dimensions of
agriculture offer opportunities to alleviate changes to the biosphere
through enhanced carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emission management,
and reduced water resources use. However, challenges of increased population
and economic growth place continued demands on the agricultural sector to
feed the world.

This session seeks submissions on the interaction of agriculture with water
resources, hydrology, and biogeochemical cycling. Example issues could
include the biogeochemical impact of fertilizer use, irrigation practices,
land cover management, crop carbon-water relations, agricultural impacts on
the surface energy balance, and interactions between agronomic practices and
crop yield. Contributions may be from a variety of scales including plot,
field and watershed.  We welcome contributions that incorporate field or
modeling components or their combination, research that crosses spatial and
temporal scales, and seek a geographic diversity of presentations.
For the first time, the AGU Fall Meeting will be held in Washington, D.C.,
where we will mark the launch AGU’s Centennial.  A wide variety of events
are being planned that will take advantage of this special location that
will showcase our science to the U.S. and international policy community,
students, and public); leverage the local scientific community, including
events with the Smithsonian, National Academies, and others; and, offer
field trips to view the local geology and research institutes. The Fall
Meeting will also offer more workshops as well as new Tutorial sessions to
help students and researchers learn about new approaches and techniques and
introduce exciting science in other disciplines.

Key Milestones: 

    Early abstract submission deadline: 25 July 2018, 11:59 PM EDT
    Abstract and Town Hall Submission Deadline: 1 August 2018, 11:59 PM EDT
    Scientific Program Released and Abstract and Sessions’ Scheduled
Days/Times Notifications Sent: 1 October 2018

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