Post-doctoral position at Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. 

Position Summary:

We seek candidates for a Postdoctoral Research Position who will join Stanford 
University’s Hopkins Marine Station to conduct research on large predatory fish 
such as 
Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas, lamnid sharks, and billfishes with 
innovative analytical 
and technological approaches. The postdoctoral position will be based in the 
Block lab 
( and the researcher will work with a 
team using a wide array of technology to integrate biology, population 
structure, stock 
assessments, life history, physiology, and habitat models of large pelagic 
predators. This 
postdoctoral position will focus on northern bluefin tunas and the candidate 
will conduct 
field work with a team of researchers to analyze and integrate extensive 
electronic tag 
datasets with data from autonomous vehicles, satellite oceanography, prey 
fields, as well 
as fishing vessel distributions derived from AIS, VIIRS, and other novel 
technologies. The 
Postdoctoral candidate will conduct research focused on creating innovative 
analyses in 
support of management of pelagic fisheries and marine ecosystems and will 
interact with 
tuna regional fisheries management organization such as ICCAT, IATTC, WCFPC and 
and other federal and international fisheries management institutions. We seek 
a creative 
individual with expertise in a relevant ecological, oceanographic or fisheries 
(e.g., marine ecology, physiology, fisheries science) and the ability to 
effectively work in 
interdisciplinary teams on cross-cutting issues. In particular, the candidate 
should be 
familiar with biologging devices, be comfortable during deployments at sea on 
boats, and capable of designing and conducting analyses aimed at understanding 
history, movements, and habitat dynamics of pelagic predators. The researchers 
have proficiency in programming languages such as R, MATLAB, or Python, 
with tags, ecological physiology – and/or spatial analyses approaches and 
software, data 
visualization, some data management/protocol, coding, metadata, and, if 
statistical modeling. Given the focus and goals of the project and of the 
groups involved, 
we seek a person with experience and/or interest in both advancing scientific 
and addressing real-world challenges of sustainability in the open ocean. The 
position is 
for one year, starting in 2018, with potential for renewal up to four years.


The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in biology, oceanography, or 
fisheries science, 
and preferably 1-3 years of experience in field and/or advanced biologging 
tagging work, 
including demonstrated ability to work at sea, and capability to source, 
handle, and 
analyze large disparate dataset types and formats derived from animal tagging 
Experience with Bayes and/or hierarchical modeling approaches, and in 
data analysis/interpretation using statistical methods and/or modeling 
approaches, is an 
advantage for this position. Preference will be given to candidates with some 
in biologging, biological oceanography, and/or marine science issues related to 
fish and 
fisheries, as well as demonstrated scientific productivity through peer-review 
publications. Candidates must possess strong teamwork skills and ability to 
effectively with students and staff, as well as the interest to work within an 
interdisciplinary group of researchers. The successful candidate will be a 
with the ability to work independently at sea as a member of a team, and have a 
quantitative capacity to solve problems in a multidisciplinary framework.

Stanford is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will 
consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, 
identity, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other 
characteristic protected by 
law. To be considered, interested candidates should provide a cover letter and 
Vitae and the names and contacts of three references to Dr. Barbara Block at The position is to be filled summer and/or fall of 2018.

Francesco Ferretti, PhD
Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
120 Oceanview Blvd., Pacific Grove,
CA 93950, USA
Phone: +1 (831) 233 4905
Fax: +1 (831) 375-0793
twitter: @bestinoblu

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