Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our 2018 AGU session
on the effects of watershed and stream restoration. We welcome empirical
studies focusing on a wide range of interventions used to mitigate the
effects of land use change, including stream restoration, storm water
management (green infrastructure or LID), and agricultural management


*Abstract:*  Disturbances associated with urbanization, agriculture, and
extraction industries are known to profoundly affect the distribution,
abundance, and diversity of aquatic organisms (vegetation,
macroinvertebrates, or fish). These disturbances affect habitat conditions
in the aquatic environment, including geomorphology (channel form, sediment
composition and mobility, substrate permeability), hydrology (flow regime,
spatial patterns in flow characteristics), and water quality (temperature
and dissolved oxygen), complicating efforts for ecosystem restoration.
Successful river and watershed restoration requires identification of the
key habitat conditions limiting ecological response and the implementation
of appropriate restoration designs.  This session welcomes presentations
that link stream and watershed restoration design to habitat conditions and
their ecological outcomes. We encourage studies that employ novel
approaches to habitat assessment and ecological monitoring, and
multi-stressor studies investigating factors driving changes in aquatic
communities in degraded stream ecosystems.

Thanks for your interest and we hope to see you in December!

Rosemary Fanelli (USGS)
Matthew Cashman (USGS)
Karen Prestegaard (University of Maryland)
Robert Grabowski (Cranfield University)

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