Mark your calendar!

Please join SCCOOS <> at the West Coast Animal Telemetry
Network (ATN), Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), and Ocean
Telemetry Network (OTN) *Biological Observation workshop* *November 7th -
9th in Santa Cruz, CA*.

free! Travel funds may be available for speakers and attendees.

Workshop Objectives:

   - Identify and prioritize keystone monitoring and observational needs
   - Identify the existing assets and capabilities in the region
   - Document stakeholder uses of telemetry data
   - Identify infrastructure and data management challenges and



Megan Hepner
Program Coordinator, SCCOOS
Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System <>

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
8880 Biological Grade, 155 MESOM
La Jolla, CA 92093-0206
Office: 858-534-9808

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