Greetings ECOLOGers,

I am your perspective masters student to begin Fall 2019.

In 2017 I completed an undergraduate thesis and graduated from New
College of Florida, Florida's Honors College. I write to you now from
Malawi, the warm heart of Africa, where I am serving as a Natural
Resources Management Volunteer for the U.S. Peace Corps. My service
ends fall 2019 and I intend to pursue a masters degree upon completion
of my service. My research interests are as follows:

1) Top predators influence on blue carbon sequestration and
forecasting anthropogenic effects.

2) Fisheries management and assessment.

3) Wetland ecology and drivers that enhance carbon sequestration.

4) Invasive species establishment ecology.

5) Economics of invasive species control.

6) Market potential for invasive species products. (Want to get rich
helping the world?)

7) Endangered species ecology.

8) Artificial habitat community ecology.

Upon your contact I will make every effort to consider your own
research interests so that we can collaborate in developing an
exceptional project. I would also not hesitate to develop projects
that do not fall within these categories just so long as they address
a major pressing issue.

Please see my diverse works and credentials below at my CV section. If
you wish I would be happy to email you a PDF of my CV, transcripts,
undergraduate thesis, and a NOAA report I contributed to.

As a fisherman born and raised I know you can't expect to catch much
with one line in the water and therefore am writing now to ECOLOG-L.
If you have already received an email from me personally I am very
glad and encourage you to take seriously to my candidacy. For those I
may have missed, I'm casting my net for you here!


Kevin Jensen
Ephanweni, Mzimba District, Northern Region, Malawi +265-993-906-467


New College of Florida: The Florida University System’s Honors College
  Aug ‘13- May ‘17
Bachelors of Arts Degree: Marine Biology
No Grades are given at this institution, no GPA change

University of West Florida                                                      
                     Aug ‘12- May ‘13
Major: Marine Biology
Transferred with 3.88 GPA after two semesters

GRE Scores_____________________________________________________________
Verbal Reasoning                        Score: 155              Percentile: 69
Quantitative Reasoning          Score: 152              Percentile: 47
Analytical Writing                      Score: 5.0              Percentile: 93

Grants _________________________________________________________________
- Peace Corps Partnership Program Grant                 $4364                   
- Florida Sea Grant Scholar                                     $2000           
- New College Student Research and Travel Grant         $1881                   
- New College Academic Affairs Grant                            $1881           

- Deacy BM et al. 2016. The Gulf of Mexico Shark Pupping and Nursery
Survey FY-16. Report to NOAA Fisheries, Highly Migratory Species
Division. (see New College of Florida contribution, p. 49-62.)

Independent Study Projects________________________________________________

Consequences of Anthropogenic Effects of Florida Spring Ecosystems      
          Jan ‘14
- Conducted surveys on benthic vegetation in three Florida springs.
- Compared biotic and abiotic factors contributing to the exasperation
of invasive algae.
- Researched effects of human influences on the endangered Florida
Manatee and ecotourism.

Reef Fish Ecology                                                               
                                             Jan ‘15
- Assisted a PhD candidate conduct reef fish surveys to assess the
possibilities of ecological traps.
- Used SCUBA while collecting data on 30+ variables of reef
characteristics and fish populations.
- Used statistical packages on R to determine the functional
relationships between variables.


Malawi Natural Resources Management: United States Peace Corps
 Jun ‘17 – Present
- Taught 200+ primary and secondary students about HIV/AIDS through
Grass Roots Soccer.
- Worked with community partners in nutrition development for 60+ HIV
positive children.
- Learned to speak fluently in the local Chitumbuka language.
- Trained 200+ stakeholders on afforestation and improved
farming/household technologies.

Primary Investigator: New College of Florida                            
 Mar ‘15- May ‘17
- Started and led the first survey of Sarasota Bay as an Essential Fish Habitat.
- Wrote and acquired one state grant and two institution grants
providing funding for two years.
- Recruited, organized, trained, and lead 21 students (18 college, 3
high school) in fieldwork.
- Continuing to monitor, manage, and assist the projects progress:
currently in third year.

Lab Technician: Southwest Florida Venom Farm Inc.               
   May ’16- Aug ‘16
- Responsible for feeding, watering, pest and disease management and
care of 100+ reptiles.
- 500+ hours with viperidae, colubridae, elapidae, helodermatidae, and
crocodylidae families.
- Conducted venom extractions, deworming vaccinations, and educational
shows for the public.
- Trained two new technicians on safely handling and working with
reptiles as a team.

Research Intern: Bimini Biological Field Station                        
   Aug ‘15- Jan ‘16
- Independently lead crews of new interns on sampling shark
populations with various methods.
- Continuously trained new volunteers on safely and effectively
performing their duties.
- Taught various visitors including tourists, film crews, and news
publishers about the research.
- Represented the station for incoming visitors as above and at
scientific conferences.

Research Intern: Illinois River Biological Station                      
    May ‘15- Aug ‘15
- Gained experience with written and oral communication skills to
large scientific audiences.
- Used ImageJ and SigmaPlot to compare and standardize fisheries
management methods.
- Learned new methods for effectively managing ecosystem dynamics.
- Trained new lab staff methods for determining important fish indices.

Wilderness Ranger: U.S. Forest Service                                          
     May ‘14- Aug ‘14
- Maintained and built trails in Pecos Wilderness, the 2nd largest
wilderness in the United States.
- Lead an energetic team in potentially hazardous conditions.
- Communicated conservation initiatives and policies to visitors.
- Maintained good work ethic and high moral throughout a team under
strenuous conditions.

River Guide: Grand Canyon Youth                                                 
            June ‘14
- Guided a middle school expedition down the San Juan River in Utah.
- Actively engaged youth in scientific research through demonstrations
and activities.
- Cared for safety and health of 20+ middle school children.


- Open Water Diver                                                              
- Rescue Diver                                                          2015
- Emergency First Responder                                             2015
- Emergency Oxygen Provider                                     2015
- Divemaster                                                                    

- Advanced Open Water                                                   2013

Red Cross Society
- CPR and AED for Professional Rescuers and Healthcare Providers                

Relevant Skills_________________________________________________________________
- R Statistical Programing              - ArcGIS Mapping        - Project 
- Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint     - Public Speaking       - Science 
- Free Diving                           - SCUBA

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