1) Postdoc in metabolic modeling of microbes and theoretical ecology

A postdoctoral position is available in the Litchman and Klausmeier labs at 
Michigan State University’s 
Kellogg Biological Station. The postdoc will participate in a NASA Exobiology 
funded project in 
collaboration with researchers from France and Germany on modeling the 
evolutionary emergence of 
diverse microbial metabolisms. We are looking for a quantitative modeler who 
uses cellular metabolic 
models such as Flux Balance Analysis, Elementary Flux Mode Analysis and others 
to interface them 
with the models of ecological interactions. Experience with eco-evolutionary 
modeling would be 
advantageous and the manuscript writing skills are essential.

The position is for one year initially, renewable depending on performance and 
continued funding. 
Start date is as soon as possible. Interested applicants should apply through 
careers.msu.edu (job 
posting 499652) and include a cover letter describing motivation, research 
interests and relevant 
experience, CV, and the names and contact information of three references. 
Review of applications 
will begin August 20, 2018 and continue until filled. For questions on the 
position, email Elena 
Litchman (litch...@msu.edu).

2) Postdoc in theoretical ecology

A postdoctoral position is available in the Klausmeier and Litchman labs at 
Michigan State University’s 
Kellogg Biological Station. The postdoc will participate in a collaborative 
NSF-funded project on the 
origin and maintenance of intraspecific trait diversity in phytoplankton. We 
are looking for a modeler 
to develop eco-evolutionary models of trait diversity. A familiarity with 
plankton systems would be 
advantageous but not required. 

The position is for one year initially, renewable depending on performance and 
continued funding. 
Start date is as soon as possible. Interested applicants should apply through 
careers.msu.edu (job 
posting 520388) and include a cover letter describing motivation, research 
interests and relevant 
experience, CV, and the names and contact information of three references. 
Review of applications 
will begin August 20, 2018 and continue until filled. For questions on the 
position, email Chris 
Klausmeier (klaus...@msu.edu).

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