Ph.D. and M.S. Graduate Research Assistantships: Fish Ecology
Auburn University, School of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences

We are seeking interested and qualified applicants for 2-3 graduate student 
positions at either the MS or PhD level to participate in a large scale, 
comprehensive study of the influence of dams on riverine fish populations.  The 
overall project is combining field sampling and tracking, laboratory 
experiments, and hydrological /behavioral simulation modeling components, all 
in a collaborative research effort.  The projects on which these particular 
assistantships would be working would include effects of large lock-and-dam 
systems on riverine fishes, potential for fish to pass structures using 
spillways and lock chambers, effects of flow and temperature changes due to 
hydropower dams on fish movement, diet, and energetics, and use of hard part 
microchemistry to study natal origins and fish movement as a response to the 
presence of dams.

For more information, see: 

Feel free to contact me with any questions or for additional information.

Dennis DeVries

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