Postgraduate Course on ‘Linking Community and Ecosystem Dynamics’

This is the second announcement of the winter school for PhD students and 
Postdocs on Linking Community and Ecosystem Dynamics organized by Research 
School Ecology & Evolution of the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life 
Sciences (GELIFES; University of Groningen, Netherlands).

The school will be held in the University field station ‘De Herdershut’  on 
the Dutch island of Schiermonnikoog from October 21 – 26 2018.

We are very happy to announce that this year we will have two special guest 
lecturers: Dr Trisha B Atwood (Utah State University) and Dr Shai Pilosof 
(University of Chicago).

Dr Atwood is assistant professor and chair of the Aquatic Ecology and 
Global Change Lab. She and her team members are interested in three broad 
research themes across all aquatic ecosystems (marine, estuarine, 
freshwater, and riparian zones). 1. The effects of global change on aquatic 
food webs and species interactions. 2. How food webs and species 
interactions influence ecosystem function. 3. The role of aquatic 
ecosystems in climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation.

By focusing on these three broad questions, her research has taken her all 
over the world with studies in Hawaii, Canada, Costa Rica, and Australia 
(including The Great Barrier Reef).

Dr Pilosof is postdoctoral scholar at the University of Chicago, ​in the 
of Mercedes Pascual. He is mostly interested in the application of network 
theory to ecological systems, specifically in the field of disease ecology. 
He uses a complex systems approach to study the factors that effect spread 
of disease in animal communities and from animals to humans. His research 
is unique as it takes the individual point of view: 1. What is the role of 
individual heterogeneity in shaping host-parasite interactions at the 
community level? 2. How does genetic variation affect infection with 
parasites in different hosts? 3. How does individual heterogeneity 
translate to efficiency of disease spread in host communities?

Scope of the course

The research fields community and ecosystem ecology have diverged more or 
less independently over the last decennia. In community ecology progress is 
made in understanding shifts in community composition under the influence 
of environmental change and how these shifts can be explained by functional 
trait approaches of component species. Also, the importance of positive 
feedbacks in community dynamics is more and more appreciated, and merged 
with trophic interactions in ecological networks. Studies in ecosystem 
ecology traditionally have a strong focus on energy and nutrient fluxes and 
how deviation in these fluxes affect ecosystem functioning and stability. 
Recent studies reveal tight links between these sub-disciplines that 
enforce us to rethink how communities and ecosystems interact.

This course focuses on theoretical concepts, such as autocatalytic loops 
and positive and negative feedbacks between organisms in ecological 
networks as well as the importance of non-trophic interactions by ecosystem 
engineers. The course will address how these principles can be used to link 
communities to ecosystems enabling a better understanding of how 
environmental changes affect community and ecosystem dynamics. Students 
will construct ecological networks of their own study system or based on 
literature data and analyze these using structural equation modelling.

Course Set-up

The course is composed of a series of lectures, a poster session, analyzing 
ecological networks using structural equation modelling and finalized with 
a debating session.

Poster session: Prior to the course, participants submit a poster of their 
work (A4-size) in PDF, which will be printed and included in the course 
reader. The poster contains your name and affiliation, title and short 
description of research project (including concepts) with one highlight 
(something exciting) and the reason you want to participate in this course. 
During the course, participants briefly pitch their research (maximum 3 
slides) and indicate where they would like to receive input from the course 
participants and lecturers.

Lectures and discussion: Each day starts with a key speaker who will give a 
lecture on one of the key course topics (covering both general theory and 
own research). After the lecture we'll have a discussion which is convened 
by three participants who challenge the speaker on the lecture and two 
papers that the speaker submitted which are related to the topic of the 
lecture (participants will receive these before the course to prepare them 

Group activities: In the afternoons, participants will be split into 
working groups, which will work on specific group assignments associated 
with the topic of the course (design ecological networks and analyzing 
these). The exact topics of these activities will be selected by the 
participants. Each group will present the results to all course 
participants the following day. Group activities will be supervised by the 
lecturers and course organizers (which are present the whole course), so 
that the students can optimally benefit from experts that are among the 
leaders in their fields.

Debating session: We will debate propositions that have been brought 
forward by speakers, students or have appeared to be a point of discussion 
during the course.


The registration fee is € 350,- for all participants belonging to the RSEE 
and co-organizing Dutch research schools (e.g., PE&RC, SENSE). All other 
participants pay € 500,-. This includes lodging, meals, and the course 
material at the course venue. A course flyer is available.

Further information on the programme can be found on the course webpage of 
the Research School Ecology & Evolution:

Pre-registration for the course is now open.

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