For those of you ever wondering about all those manuscript submission requests 
that fill up you inbox, I thought you might be interested in a short article I 
recently wrote on the topic of predatory journals.

I had an interesting time monitoring all the emails I received for over two 
months and then carefully looking through them to figure out if the journals 
and publishers were legitimate or not.    Some interesting patterns emerged.

The article was published in the Botanical Society of America’s Plant Science 
Bulletin.  It is available at:
 or on the PSB website at:
(or you can always email me for a copy).


Theresa M. Culley, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, Applications in Plant Sciences
Professor and Head, Department of Biological Sciences
University of Cincinnati
614 Rievesch Hall
Cincinnati, OH  45221-0006
Tel: 513-556-9705

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