We have an opening for a post-doctoral scholar to work on methods for and 
of hierarchical statistical models using the NIMBLE software 
(https://r-nimble.org) at the 
University of California, Berkeley.  NIMBLE is an R package that combines a new 
implementation of a model language similar to BUGS/JAGS, a system for writing 
algorithms and MCMC samplers, and a compiler that generates C++ for each model 
set of algorithms.  The successful candidate will work with Chris Paciorek, 
Perry de 
Valpine, and potentially other NIMBLE collaborators to pursue a research 
program with a 
combination of building and applying methods in NIMBLE.  Specific methods and 
application areas will be determined based on interests of the successful 
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Statistics or a related discipline.  We are 
open to non-
Ph.D. candidates who can make a compelling case that they have relevant 
The position is funded for two years, with an expected start date between 
October 2018 
and June 2019.  Applicants should send a cover letter, including a statement of 
how their 
interests relate to NIMBLE, the names of three references, and a CV to 
nimble.st...@gmail.com, with "NIMBLE post-doc application" in the subject. 
will be considered on a rolling basis starting 15 October, 2018.

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