I’d like to get in touch with an environmental reporter who’s willing to 
delve into some longstanding issues with a natural area that’s fallen victim to 
the pressures of urbanization.  I’m looking for someone who has the patience 
and commitment to tackle a complex issue, and who has a solid grounding in 
ecology and natural history.

    This is a situation which is a deep tangle of failed conservation, failed 
law enforcement, indifferent state agencies and the insidious pressures of 
local politics.  Local media have been unwilling to report on these issues, and 
the local newspaper has refused to run letters and guest columns expressing 
citizen concerns.  

    These issues are an open secret in the community, but those who try to 
speak out are ridiculed and harassed, and most have simply given up.  I’m 
looking for an outside reporter who’s willing to help preserve a natural area 
with detailed and objective reporting.  If you or someone you know would be 
interested, please contact me off-list with my thanks in advance.

                                 - J. A.

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