The Biology Education Research lab at Auburn University is looking for
graduate students with an interest in Biology Education Research (BER) and
STEM equity to begin in Fall 2019.

The Ballen lab conducts investigations into the causes and consequences of
gaps in science literacy, and how educators can design their courses to
minimize barriers to success. By developing an integrated experimental and
theoretical research program we explore how classroom and social influences
shape student learning, personal and professional development, and
educational and career trajectories.

Here is our website:

Here are some examples of broad questions we are addressing in the lab:
What geographic, cultural, or institutional barriers predict patterns of
attrition among historically underserved students in STEM at the
undergraduate level?
What types of scalable teaching strategies can instructors employ to reduce
gaps in performance and participation?
How do research experiences impact developing scientists’ personal and
professional development and career trajectories?
How can we use measures of physiological reactivity to study engagement in
an undergraduate STEM classroom setting?

Auburn supports a large community in our Department of Biological Sciences ( Students can
apply at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level. While a background and course work in
statistics is preferred, it is not required. Applicants should have a
strong biology and analytical background, as demonstrated through
transcripts, recommendation letters, or publication record.

Several of the DBS faculty are interested in a co-mentoring model where
part of the dissertation would be focused on biology education research and
part would be focused on a biology laboratory or field research question.
If you are interested in this approach, please contact me and let me know
which additional mentors are of interest to you.

Auburn is a fantastic, affordable college town, and DBS is a vibrant and
collaborative setting for discipline-based education research. We have
great resources here to study education, offering a wide range of
opportunities for expanding your skill set.

Application for admission to the DBS graduate program can be found here:  Materials
include a CV, personal statement, official transcripts, three letters of
recommendation and official GRE score. If you are interested in joining the
lab as a graduate student, send me an email at mjb0100(at) for
more information!

Cissy Ballen, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biological Sciences
College of Sciences and Mathematics
Auburn University

350 S College St

Auburn, AL 36849
*P *607 279 2625 | *E *

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