I am looking for graduate students (MS or PhD) interested in studying (1) the 
evolution and 
maintenance of gynodioecy (a breeding system where female and hermaphroditic 
coexist) or (2) the effect of pollinator declines on floral evolution in native 

For more information on these projects and my lab, check out:


Students will have considerable freedom to develop their projects, and could 
start in either 
Fall 2019 or Winter 2020. 

Interested candidates should email me at caru...@uoguelph.ca. Please include a 
statement of interest, CV, and transcript (unofficial is fine). Because of 
restrictions, preference will be given to candidates who are Canadian citizens 
or landed 

Christina M. (Chris) Caruso
Associate Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 Canada

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