“Ecology of shortleaf pine regeneration and recruitment for woodland 
restoration in the central US”

Shortleaf pine forests provide important ecological services and 
conservation value throughout the central, eastern, and southern US. 
Currently, there are several large restoration projects and initiatives 
for increasing the abundance of shortleaf pine and mixed shortleaf pine-
hardwood ecosystems, yet shortleaf pine regeneration has remained 
challenging in many areas. There are several factors possibly limiting 
shortleaf pine regeneration success, such as variable seed crops, poor 
seedbed and germination, and abundant competition from established 
hardwood stems. Prescribed fire is often used to favor shortleaf pine 
regeneration yet success is marginal in the Missouri Ozark region. Thus, 
other release treatments may be more efficient for reaching regeneration 
targets. This project will study the regeneration ecology of shortleaf 
pine in relation to common competing hardwood trees to better understand 
the factors affecting regeneration success and inform silvicultural 
practice. Evidence suggests that managers could alter prescriptions to 
target specific forest composition goals, including pure shortleaf pine 
stands or various mixtures of shortleaf pine-hardwood stands.   
This project will support a Doctoral Graduate Research Assistantship 
with Dr. Benjamin Knapp in the School of Natural Resources 
at University of Missouri, in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service 
and Missouri Department of Conservation. This graduate assistantship 
will include four years of funding support ($24,000/year stipend, health 
insurance, tuition). The duties of this position will include completion 
of required coursework, field sampling throughout the Missouri Ozarks, 
data organization, and data analyses related to study objectives. The 
candidate is expected to complete a dissertation and at least three 
peer-reviewed publications, one of which should be published prior to 
graduating. Competitive candidates for this position will have a M.S. 
degree in forestry or a closely related discipline, proficiency in 
written and oral communication, strong GRE scores, and evidence of 
scholastic success. The position will begin in January 2019.

To apply, please submit the following to Dr. Benjamin Knapp 
1)      personal statement of career goals
2)      resume or curriculum vitae
3)      transcripts (can be unofficial)
4)      GRE scores
5)      contact information for three references
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a 
candidate is selected. 

Dr. Benjamin Knapp
Associate Professor
School of Natural Resources
University of Missouri
203S Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building
Columbia MO 65211
Email: kna...@missouri.edu   

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