A doctoral student research position is available to start Fall 2019 in the lab 
of Dr. Ylenia Chiari at 
George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.  We seek a highly motivated 
prospective graduate student 
with an interest in investigating the genetic and environmental determinants of 
color and color patterns 
in lizards. The Chiari Lab (www.yleniachiari.it) uses integrative approaches 
from molecular biology to 
behavior to computational modeling to study the causes and consequences of 
morphological variation in 

Successful candidates will have at least basic knowledge of molecular lab 
techniques, some previous 
research experience, and a strong interest in evolutionary biology, genetics, 
and genomics. Some 
background or experience in handling and breeding reptiles in captivity is 
encouraged, but not required. 
Application from traditionally underrepresented groups is encouraged. 

Deadline for admission to the PhD program is January 1st 2019. 

Full support will be provided for the first two years through a research 
assistantship. Support is 
provided in the following years through a teaching assistantship. However, the 
successful candidate will 
be expected to apply for graduate fellowships during his/her PhD. 

Prospective students should send a short description of their research 
interests and past research 
experience along with a resume or CV (including the names of three people who 
could serve as a reference 
on your behalf) to yleniachi...@southalabama.edu. Selection of candidates will 
begin on October 29, but 
applications will continue to be reviewed until the end of November 2018.

Ylenia Chiari, PhD

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