Masters/PhD in Landscape Ecology and Remote Sensing at the University of 
Nevada, Reno

Dr. Jonathan Greenberg and the Global Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing 
(GEARS) Laboratory at the University of Nevada, Reno are now inviting 
applications for Doctoral or Master’s work that will start in Winter or Fall of 
2019 for students interested in the following topics:

Remote Sensing Science: Students should be interested in developing advanced 
remote sensing algorithms, particularly those that leverage high performance 
computing and machine learning algorithms.  GEARS is interested in the 
following general topics:

  *   Computer vision techniques applied to high spatial resolution LiDAR and 
optical remote sensing imagery including data collected from airborne and 
terrestrial laser scanners, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles.

  *   Change detection and time series analysis of multitemporal remote sensing 
image datasets, particularly as it applies to multitemporal LiDAR, hyperspatial 
optical, and “hypertemporal” datasets such as Landsat and MODIS.

Previous programming experience and a background in remote sensing, GIS, and/or 
computer vision is highly recommended.

Landscape Level Plant-Climate Interactions: Students should be interested in 
applying remote sensing, GIS, and modeling to the following questions at local 
to global scales:

  *   How do plants respond to their climate at regional to global scales 

  *   What will be the future state of vegetated ecosystems under climate 

  *   How do non-climate factors such as natural and anthropogenic disturbance 
impact the past, present, and future distribution of plants?

A degree or background in biogeography, environmental science, ecology, and/or 
biology is encouraged for applicants, as well as previous experience in remote 
sensing and GIS and/or ecosystem modeling.

Prospective graduate students will be expected to develop their own research 
goals, and should have curiosity, motivation, and independence.  Prospective 
students should email a short summary of their research interests as well as a 
CV to Dr. Greenberg<> before 
applying to the program. Funding will be available from a variety of sources, 
including fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships.

Prospective PhD students should apply to the Ecology, Evolution and 
Conservation Biology graduate program ( and prospective 
Master’s students should apply to the Natural Resources and Environmental 
Science program (

Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
Randall Endowed Professor and Associate Professor of Remote Sensing
Global Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing (GEARS) Laboratory
Natural Resources & Environmental Science
University of Nevada, Reno
1664 N Virginia St MS/0186
Reno, NV 89557
Phone: 415-763-5476
Gchat:<>, Skype: jgrn3007

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