
I'll be teaching Forest Wetlands Restoration Ecology spring semester 2019.  It 
is a 3-hour online graduate-level course that is part of Auburn University's 
certificate in Restoration Ecology 

The course will run from Jan. 9 through May 3.

The course will be a combination of online lectures, reading and writing 
assignments, and a project selected by the student.  These topics will be 
Restoration ecology overview
History of wetlands losses
Development of wetland protection and definitions
Wetlands classifications and inventory
Assessing wetland functions and values
Wetland restoration motivations
Ecological restoration theory and practice
Site characterization
Restoration techniques
Evaluating restoration success

Please contact me if you have any questions,

James P. Shepard, Ph.D.


School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences

4431 Forestry & Wildlife Building

Auburn University

Auburn, AL 36849-5418

(334) 844-1111<>

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