Hello Ecologgers,
Union of Concerned Scientists has two new two-year post-doc Kendall 
Fellowships. (Keep tuned, we should have a couple more coming soon!)

Apply yourself or share with colleagues, friends, professional groups, 
LinkedIn,  Facebook, Google Groups, listservs, message boards and everywhere 
you go.

Kendall Fellowship: EV Battery Recycling and Reuse
Clean Vehicles Program
Union of Concerned Scientists
Oakland, CA Office preferred

While life cycle emissions of electric vehicles are far lower than those of 
gas-powered cars, there’s room for these vehicles to be more sustainable to 
produce, charge, and drive. The United States recently hit a milestone–1 
million electric vehicles sold—yet the fate of the batteries in these cars when 
they are at the end of their life is yet to be determined. The Union of 
Concerned Scientists seeks a Kendall Fellow to study the recycling and reuse of 
batteries from electric vehicles, with a focus on improving their 
sustainability, and an eye on policy implications for the work. UCS Kendall 
Fellows are accepted via a competitive screening process to propose and execute 
forward-looking, innovative two-year projects, working with our scientists in 
our offices. Learn more/apply at

Kendall Fellowship: Understanding Scientist Activism
Center for Science and Democracy
Union of Concerned Scientists
Cambridge, MA or Washington, DC

Over the past two years, the Union of Concerned Scientists has led the largest 
mobilization of scientists and other experts in our organization’s history, as 
thousands have volunteered to use their expertise and voices to inform 
far-reaching local and national policy decisions. How can we capitalize on the 
energy and momentum to sustain this movement? We seek a Kendall Fellow with 
research experience studying social movements to help us understand and 
leverage the mechanisms that enable collective and individual advocacy in the 
science community, for an enduring effort. Learn more and apply 

See the full list of UCS job openings at http://www.ucsusa.org/about/jobs-ucs

Julia Petipas
HR Manager
Union of Concerned Scientists

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