Pathways 2019: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training
September 22nd-26th, 2019
YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park CO

Call for Papers!

It is a pleasure to invite you to the Pathways 2019: Human Dimensions of 
Wildlife Conference and Training, organized by The Department of Human 
Dimensions of Natural Resources at Colorado State University and the Human 
Dimensions Branch of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The conference will 
take place at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado from September 
22nd-26th, 2019.

About the Conference
Pathways is an international conference and training program focused on 
bringing together practitioners and researchers to discuss the myriad of issues 
that arise when humans and wildlife struggle to coexist sustainably. Since its 
inaugural launch in 2008, Pathways has gained a reputation as being one of the 
leading conferences on the human dimensions of wildlife management in the 
world, regularly attracting scientists from across +30 different countries and 
practitioners from both agencies and NGOs. Now on its 8th iteration, Pathways 
will return to its flagship location in Estes Park Colorado for the 2019 
conference and training.

Special Sessions and Plenaries
We are excited to announce that the 2019 conference will include a special, 
2-hour Plenary Symposium on the hot topic of Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado. 
The following talks have been confirmed:

  *   Introducing the Idea of Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado
Speaker: Mike Phillips, Rocky Mountain Wolf Project

  *   The Other Side of the Table: Concerns with Wolf Reintroduction
  *   Lessons Learning from Working on the Ground with Ranchers on Wolf 
  *   Social-Psychological Perspectives on Wolf Reintroduction
  *   Economic Perspectives on Wolf Reintroduction

Conference Theme
The overall theme for the 2019 conference and training is Transient or 
Transformative: Does Human Dimensions Matter? With this theme we hope to take 
reflective step back to assess where Human Dimensions stands in its integration 
into management policy, whether we have achieved our desired goals…and if 
not—how do we?

Topics of Interest
Special consideration will be given to abstracts concerning the following 
topics of interest:

  *   Predator Control
  *   Trophy Hunting
  *   Wolf Reintroduction

Other topics of interest include:

  *   The Impact of Human Dimensions in Wildlife Management
  *   Social Science Integration into Conservation Management
  *   Hunter Recruitment, Retention and Re-Engagement
  *   Managing Stakeholder Expectations and Engagement Process
  *   Human Dimensions Communication and Education
  *   Managing Human-Wildlife Conflict
  *   Managing Endangered Species
  *   Coupled Socio-Ecological Systems
  *   Institutional, Governance and Legal Requirements for Human-Wildlife 
Coexistence and Management of Recreational Fisheries

Guide for Authors
The deadline to submit Organized Sessions/Symposia (90 and 120-minute format) 
is February 15th. The deadline to submit Individual Abstracts and Posters is 
March 15th, 2019. Authors are limited to one submission, though can be listed 
as a non-presenting co-author on an unlimited number of other submissions. The 
word limit per abstract is <300 words.

To submit your abstract, please click on the following link:

Important Dates
Organized Session Deadline: February 15th, 2019
Individual Abstract/Poster Deadline: March 15th, 2019
Notification of Acceptance: May 1st, 2019
Deadline for Final Submission of Revised Papers: May 22nd, 2019

Organizing Committee
Conference Co-Chairs—
Michael J. Manfredo
Professor and Head, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Colorado State University

Jerry Vaske
Professor, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Colorado State University

Natalie Sexton
Human Dimensions Branch Chief
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
National Wildlife Refuge System
Natural Resource Program Center

Conference Director—
Claire M. Nitsche
Event Coordinator, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Colorado State University

Conference Organizer—
            Wesley White
            Communications Coordinator, Department of Human Dimensions of 
Natural Resources
                Colorado State University

For any enquires regarding the program, please contact<>.
For all general inquiries, please contact<>.

We look forward to seeing you at the Pathways 2019: Human Dimensions of 
Wildlife Conference and Training Program!

Best Regards,

Claire M. Nitsche
Conference Director, Pathways 2019
Event Coordinator, Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Colorado State University

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