M.S. Graduate positions in fish microbiome are be available in Dr. Camila 
Carlos-Shanley’s lab in the Department of Biology, Texas State University, 
beginning Fall 2019. Projects will focus on the effects of water pollutants on 
the fish microbiota. Students will be funded through a combination of research 
and instructional assistantships. See http://carloslab.wp.txstate.edu/ for 
details about our lab, papers and our research interests. Preference will be 
given to students with prior research experience and solid molecular lab and 
quantitative skills.

The Department of Biology offers a strong environment for training students in 
aquatic biology. The Master’s program in Aquatic Resources would be the best 
fit for such an applicant. For program information see 

Interested students should send an email with a statement of interest that 
includes topics you might be interested in working on in our lab and your 
long-term goals/interests. Please include a copy of your CV, unofficial 
undergraduate transcripts, GRE (if available), and any other relevant 
experience to Dr. Camila Carlos-Shanley by email (carlos-shanley at 
txstate.edu). Reference letters for top candidates might be solicited at a 
later date. Applications will be reviewed as they come in. A formal application 
package must also be submitted to the Graduate College at Texas State 
University by January 15, 2019 for full consideration in the Fall 2019 semester.

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