The Vance-Chalcraft lab 
( at East Carolina 
University is recruiting M.S. students who are interested in community ecology, 
outreach, or biology education research for Fall 2019. My research interests 
are diverse but include areas such as predator-prey interactions in aquatic 
systems, the benefits of incorporating citizen science projects into courses, 
and how graduate teaching assistants' self-efficacy and teaching practices are 
impacted by professional development experiences.

Funding is available to support students.  If you are interested, please email 
the following information to<>.
- a short summary of how your interests may complement one or more of my 
research interests
- a c.v./resume or listing of relevant research, outreach, and/or teaching 
- your undergraduate institution, degree field, graduation date, and overall gpa
- your GRE scores (by category)

Please let me know if you have any questions.  After we correspond, the formal 
university application should be submitted before January 15th.

Thank you,

Dr. Heather Vance-Chalcraft
Faculty Fellow, Office for Faculty Excellence
Director of Outreach, East Carolina Biodiversity Initiative
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858

252-328-9841 (Biology), 252-328-5429 (OFE)
544 Science and Technology Bldg (Biology), 1007 Joyner Library (OFE)

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