The Wilder lab at Oklahoma State University is recruiting a Ph.D. student to 
study predator ecology and food web interactions starting August 2019. The 
specific focus of the project is flexible but should be related to the role of 
predators in mediating the flow of energy and nutrients through food webs and 
ecosystems. The project may involve travel to Israel for some fieldwork and 
collaboration. Funding is available for the duration of the Ph.D. and will be 
provided through a combination of research and teaching assistantships. Further 
information about the lab group is available at:

The ideal candidate will have completed or be completing a M.S., have 
peer-reviewed publications, and prior experience working with invertebrates.  
Although, candidates not meeting these criteria are still encouraged to apply.  

To apply, send a cover letter describing your research interests and 
experience, a copy of your CV with GPA and GRE scores, and contact information 
for 3 references to:  Please send application 
materials as soon as possible and no later than January 15, 2019.  

Reply via email to