Assistant Research Scientist – Data Science

Deadline: Jan 14, 2019

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) seeks applications 
for an Assistant Research Scientist to lead our Data Science Team. This is a 
non-tenure track research faculty position through the University of Maryland. 
Successful candidates will be located at SESYNC’s facilities in Annapolis, MD. 
The candidate will provide leadership and management of our data science team 
and conduct independent research.  Ideally the research will be related to 
center activities. Time available for research will vary but should average 
about 30%. The successful candidate will interact with SESYNC researchers to 
understand their computational needs and provide support, to oversee data 
agreements as needed, contribute to teaching and serve as a national 
representative of SESYNC. We seek proactive individuals with a desire to learn 
and apply new computational tools. Must enjoy managing team personnel and 
communicating with visiting researchers.

To learn more about the position and apply:

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