Hello EcoLog,

This is a semi-monthly reminder that the Camp Monaco Prize is now accepting 
proposals for Greater Yellowstone biodiversity research. Prize award is 
$100,000 - please read below for more details and please share with colleagues.

The Draper Natural History Museum and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation 
are pleased to announce the 2019 call for proposals addressing Greater 
Yellowstone Biodiversity Research and Public Education. Our objective is to 
award a $100,000 prize to stimulate scientific exploration and public education 
that will expand the knowledge and understanding of biological diversity in 
Greater Yellowstone and foster concrete actions to safeguard biodiversity in 
conjunction with continued social and economic development. The project will be 
conducted in the magnificent Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, and we encourage 
projects with global implications. We are interested in proposals with a 
trans-boundary approach, recognizing that effective biodiversity conservation 
crosses geo-political/ jurisdictional, academic disciplinary, and economic and 
social boundaries.


For 2019, the Camp Monaco Prize jury is seeking proposals in one or more of 
four broad categories:

1. Understanding current patterns of biodiversity in landscapes of Greater 
Yellowstone and predicting changes related to current and expected social, 
demographic, economic, and environmental dynamics

2. Assessing ecological, social, demographic, and economic impacts of 
biodiversity changes, e.g., restoration/reintroduction of native species and/or 
invasion of nonnative species in Greater Yellowstone

3. Developing trans-boundary conservation strategies for species and their 
habitats in Greater Yellowstone

4. Synthesizing and disseminating existing information about the above topics 
to the public


Proposals are due by April 15, 2019 and the winning project will be announced 
in June 2019. The Camp Monaco Prize will be awarded at the Buffalo Bill Center 
of the West in Cody, WY in September 2019 in the presence of officials 
representing each of the partner organizations. Prior to submission you may 
direct questions to Dr. Charles Preston at cpres...@centerofthewest.org

Please share widely among your professional networks.

More information can be found at: 

Please review the detailed request for proposals ( 
 ) for more information.

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