Hello, The Institute for Natural Resources at Oregon State University is hiring field crews for sagebrush steppe sampling during the 2019 field season. Work begins late April and will continue to August or September. The job involves vegetation and soil sampling using AIM protocols in various areas in eastern Oregon. Field work entails 8 day sampling hitches where we will be camping in the areas we will be working. Crews have 6 days off between hitches. Most crew members live in Portland / Corvallis / Eugene areas and travel to and from the field on the first and last days of the work hitch, but there is some flexibility on where you can choose to live. We are looking for people who are familiar with identifying plants, who can handle the hard work of digging soil pits and vegetation sampling in the often hash steppe environment, and are excited by extensive camping in remote, beautiful areas. The compensation will be between $13 and $18 per hour (depending on experience) as well as a per deim of around $80 per day to cover food and wear and tear on your camping gear. We will be hiring both team leaders and crew members so there are two job announcements.
Bio Tech 1 https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/69643 Please contact me at michael.russ...@oregonstate.edu if you have any questions. Thanks, Michael Russell