For regular telephone interviews, I just use the Olympus TP7 Telephone
It is a simply microphone that fits in your ear, and plugs into any
recording devise.  It is batteryless, simply, easy to use, and good


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Kris Olds <> wrote:

> Hello – I am trying to identify some good options for high quality
> recordings of research subjects I am interviewing via (a) Skype or iChat,
> and (b) regular telephone calls.
> I ran across a recent conversation about this issue on Twitter – see below
> for the original question (from a journalist) and the responses he received.
> Does anyone on this list have any additional recommendations, especially
> for recording calls on (a) Skype or iChat, and/or (b) regular telephone
> calls?
> Best, Kris
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> *Question*: I need to record the audio of a Skype call today on my Mac --
> anyone recommend a good piece of software for that?
> *Responses*:
> For recording Skype audio, I would highly recommend Audio Hijack Pro:
> I like WireTap Studio -
> For recording Skype chats (audio or video), I've had good success with Call
> Recorder for Skype
> If you want something simple, use garage band, set it to voice and then hit
> record.
> soundflowerbed + audacity
> For recording Skype audio, I would highly recommend Audio Hijack Pro:
> from @rogueamoeba <>
> Hi! You can try the Supertintin Skype recorder ( to save
> video/audio calls. very easy to use & HQ recordings.
> >>>>>>>>
> *Journalist*: Thanks everyone for the Skype-recording suggestions... I
> went with Call Recorder for Skype, which seemed to do the trick.

See the Next Generation Labor research blog at:

Chris Benner, Ph.D.
Chair, Community Development Graduate Group
Chair, Geography Graduate Group
Associate Professor, Community and Regional Development
Human and Community Development Department
University of California Davis
1309 Hart Hall
One Shields Ave
Davis, CA  95616
(530) 754-8799

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