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-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of J. Peet

Human Geography Volume 4, Number 2 2011 (Now out)



Socialism and the 'Social Economy'
by Aram Eisenschitz and Jamie Gough

The Limits of Localist Reforms
by Greg Sharzer

Agents of Change and Obstruction: Municipal Councilors and Urban
D/development in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region
by Tara van Dijk

Space Matters: The 2010 Winter Olympics and its Discontents
by Jules Boykoff

Time as a Mode of Biopolitics
by B.S. Butola

Social Justice and the Politics of Emotions
by Barbara Van Wijnendaele

Positioning the Egyptian Revolution
by Mohamed Waked

"The Hard Hit is Still to Come": An Intifada Imaginary
by Philip Rizk

Book Review Essay

Commonwealth by Hardt M. and A. Negri.
Reviewed by Joel Wainwright

Book Reviews

A Companion to Marx's Capital by David Harvey.
Reviewed by: Simon Chilvers

A World of Difference: Encountering and Contesting Development by E.
Sheppard, P. W. Porter, D. R. Foust & R. Nagar.
Reviewed by Seung-Ook Lee

You Don't Play With Revolution: the Montreal Lectures of C.L.R. James edited
by David Austin.
Reviewed by Dave Featherstone

El Monstruo: Dread and Redemption in Mexico City by John Ross.
Reviewed by: Nicholas Jon Crane

Beyond Bullets: The Suppression of Dissent in the United States by Jules
Reviewed by Nathan L. Clough and Laura Shillington

The Spatialities of Dissent and its Suppression: A Response to Shillington
and Clough
by Jules Boykoff

Hg 9 (Vol 4, no 1, 2011) is a special issue on Gaza

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