Final CFP - Housing & the Global Financial Crisis

AAG 2012: New York, NY

February 24-28, 2012


Organizers:   Phil Ashton, University of Illinois at Chicago

                    Kathe Newman, Rutgers University


We are looking for one paper to round a session on housing and the global 
financial crisis as part of the series of "special sessions" on international 
finance promoted by the AAG as part of the 2012 Annual Meeting. 


While these sessions offer an opportunity to investigate the local connections 
of housing finance to Wall Street, we also invite papers that place 
housing/mortgage markets and the global financial crisis into broader 
perspective. Topics could include, among others: regulation and governance of 
housing finance; international comparisons on residential capitalism in light 
of the crisis; the co-imbricration of housing and fiscal/sovereign debt crises; 
or forward-looking assessments of new institutional structures for housing 
finance emerging from the crisis. 


Please contact Phil Ashton ( with expressions of interest 
and/or abstracts. 


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