The AAG's Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group is pleased to invite submissions for the 2012 Awards Competitions:
Jan Monk Service Award Susan Hanson Dissertation Proposal Award Glenda Laws Student Paper Competition Applications are due December 15th, 2011. Please see below for details and distribute widely. Encourage your students to submit papers from their coursework! GPOW AWARDS The Geographic Perspectives on Women (GPOW) Specialty Group is pleased to announce the Jan Monk Service Award, the Susan Hanson Dissertation Proposal Award, and the Glenda Laws Student Paper Competition for the year 2011-2012. Jan Monk Service Award This award is named in honor of past-President of the AAG, Jan Monk, and recognizes a geographer who has made an outstanding service contribution to women in geography and/or feminist geography. To nominate someone for this award, please email the name of your nominee and a 1-2 page statement of support including details of activism and scholarship to the committee listed below by December 15th, 2011. Susan Hanson Dissertation Proposal Award This award honors Susan Hanson, a past President of the AAG, whose scholarship has been key to extending understandings of the intersections of gender and geography. It seeks to highlight a Ph.D. dissertation proposal that promises to make substantial contributions to the geographic analysis and interpretation of topics related to gender, sexuality, and feminism. ***Proposals should be double-spaced, 12-point font and not more than 10 pages in length. There should be a title page with the student’s name and institution.*** So that the judges may read the proposals anonymously, do not include author’s name anywhere on the inside pages of the paper. Email the dissertation proposal (as a .doc or .pdf file) to the committee listed below by December 15th, 2011. Glenda Laws Student Paper Competition This award is named in memory of feminist geographer Glenda Laws (1959-1996), who, among many other things, was a fabulous mentor to her undergraduate and graduate students. Up to two prizes will be awarded, and both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to participate. Papers must derive from and contribute to feminist research in geography. Papers presented at a regional or national geography meeting from April 2011 through February 2012 are eligible for consideration. Papers written for course work during this period will also be considered. Theses and dissertations are not eligible for this competition. ***Papers should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and not more than 15 pages in length. There should be a title page with the student’s name, institution, level of study (B.A./B.S., M.A./M.S., Ph.D.), and when and where the paper was/will be presented or the course title, term and year for which the paper was written.*** So that the judges may read the papers anonymously, do not include author’s name anywhere on the inside pages of the paper. Please email a copy of your paper (as a .doc or .pdf file) to the committee listed below by December 15th, 2011. To make proposal and paper competitions as successful as possible, it should be a community event. Faculty should encourage their students at all levels to enter the competition, and graduate students should encourage and mentor undergraduate students to submit papers. Please direct questions to the GPOW Honors and Awards Committee:Christine Jocoy Pamela Moss Department of Geography Studies in Policy and Practice Program California State Univ-Long Beach University of Victoria 1250 Bellflower Blvd. PO Box 1700, Station CSC Long Beach, CA 90840 USA Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 CANADA Email: Email: Office: (562) 985-1383 Office: (250) 721-6297 Fax: (562) 985-8993 Fax: (250) 472-4109