*American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting*

*New Orleans, Louisiana, April 10-14, 2018*

*Real Estate, Finance and Urban Development*

Organizer: Manuel B. Aalbers (KU Leuven)

*Real estate* and *finance* were at the roots of the global economic crisis
that started in 2007. *States* and their many institutions, including
central banks and financial regulators, have also been seen as complicit to
the crisis. *Cities* have recently entered a period of severe economic
turbulence, with high levels of financial uncertainty as resources of
governments as well as citizens and businesses have diminished. Future
funding for urban development is likely to be increasingly limited due to
the reform and re-regulation of financial markets and changing underlying
financial-economic conditions of urban property markets. This session
emphasizes the relation between real estate, urban development and
financial markets. In order to understand urban development and
redevelopment processes, it is crucial to understand not only the
interaction of supply and demand but also the role of state regulation as
well as financial forces at work in increasingly international capital

I hope to be able to organize a series of sub-sections, with separate time
slots dedicated to:

   - the financialization of local government
   - the new growth coalition/machine
   - the assetization/financialization of land, housing and real estate
   - megaprojects: finance, RE and the city
   - urban development and state spatiality
   - the city as a safe deposit box for transnational wealth elites
   - international investors and accumulation-by-dispossession

Interested applicants should send abstracts (max. 250 words) to Manuel B.
Aalbers (manuel.aalb...@kuleuven.be) by *October 13th*. Accepted applicants
will be notified by *October 18th*.

*-- *

Manuel B. Aalbers, Ph.D.

KU Leuven / University of Leuven

Department of Geography & Tourism

Celestijnenlaan 200e -- bus 2409

3001  Heverlee




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