Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG2018), July 24-28 2018, 

Session: Digital Labour Geographies, ‘Sharing’ Economy Work Futures

Al James, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University UK,
Hannelore Roos, Faculty of Business Economics, Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium,

BACKGROUND: This session engages with the series of dramatic, digital 
transformations of work, employment and labour relations that have accompanied 
the extraordinary growth of on-demand labour in the so-called ‘sharing’ 
economy.  Underpinning these transformations, the internet is used to unbundle 
production and value creation from formal employment, with online labour 
markets and algorithms used to manage and motivate work carried out beyond the 
spatial and temporal boundaries of ‘typical’ workplaces (Huws 2015).  Other 
monikers include the collaborative / gig / on-demand / and peer-to-peer 
economy.  Whatever the label used, many commentators are excited about the 
digitally-mediated possibilities for enabling workers from a wide range of 
backgrounds to access new forms of ‘flexible’ work and income opportunities in 
multiple sectors (notably in professional services, household services, and 
personal transport).  This excitement is particularly apparent in the EU, where 
the ‘sharing economy’ is worth an estimated €28 billion in 2015 (PwC 2016).  
Crucially however, the quality of those on-demand work opportunities in the 
‘sharing economy’ is also prompting growing criticism around attendant working 
conditions, wage levels, and distributions of income and wealth (see Schor 
2017).  With reference to a range of online work platforms (Uber, TaskRabbit, 
Upwork, Amazon M-Turk, Helpling), critical work to date has explored: the ‘dark 
side’ of ‘sharing’ economy labour relations for workers who have limited legal 
protection as ‘independent contractors’ (the cybertariat) on for-profit 
platform apps; how digital platforms and clickwork are potentially crowding out 
old jobs rather than creating new ones; and how digital on-demand work is 
reinforcing stubborn labour market inequalities rooted in gender and race, 
re-inscribed through customer reputational reviews and the digital platform 
algorithms which route jobs out and set the terms under which digital workers 
labour.  These critiques find expression in a range of provocative terms 
including ‘sharewashing’, ‘crowdfleecing’, and the ‘share the scraps economy’.

NEW AGENDA: This session takes issue with a striking asymmetry within this 
growing research agenda.  In short, while internet geographers have begun to 
engage with issues of work and ‘digital labour’ in the sharing economy, labour 
geographers have for their part been rather slow to engage with digital work 
platforms from ‘the other direction’.  The result is a very partial set of 
analyses of digitally-mediated work-lives, and scope for developing a digital 
labour geographies research agenda (cf. Herod 1997: 30: see also Castree 2007, 
Lier 2007, Rutherford 2010).  So motivated, this session is concerned to bring 
the nascent research agenda around digital work in the ‘sharing economy’ into 
new productive conversation with the labour geographies research agenda. It 
aims to prompt new conversations around how workers are capable of actively 
making and remaking the geographies of the ‘sharing economy’ and ‘platform 
capitalism’ and effecting positive changes in their work and employment 
conditions - rather than simply watching passively from the sidelines and being 
affected by the dynamics of economic change writ large by platform developer 
companies and their shareholders.  Likewise, to explore how place matters in 
shaping patterns of ‘constrained worker agency’ (Coe and Lier 2010), focused on 
digitally-mediated labour markets as the ‘spatial settings and contexts… that 
specific employment practices, work cultures, and labour relations become 
established’ (Martin 2000: 456; see also Peck 1996 2003).

FOCUS: The session will bring together established and new scholars with 
diverse research interests around digital transformations of work, to learn 
from each other and to explore new possibilities for animating more progressive 
worker outcomes in the sharing economy in the global South and global North. In 
so doing, the session responds to growing international calls for economic 
geographers to develop more critical analyses of how and where economies 
function, for whom, and to what ends (Christophers et al. 2016).  As such, the 
substantive focus of this session is crucial to GCEG2018’s core concern with 
the geographical outcomes of uneven economic growth, economic futures, and 
scope for effecting positive change that narrows the gap between winners and 
losers. Specific topics might include, but are by no means limited to:

•                    Analytical contradictions between celebratory media and 
policy commentaries of digital labour market ‘flexibility’ with the negative 
realities of digital work (focus on e.g. corporate globalisation, increasing 
precariousness of incomes, wage inequality, the institutionalisation of labour 
market risk, and shifting welfare policy priorities).

•                    Comparisons between everyday work-lives in the sharing 
economy with previous/simultaneous work-lives in ‘mainstream’ paid employment

•                    On-demand career building and gig economy advancement – 
geographical possibilities for online labour market progression?

•                    Variations in worker experiences between different online 
work platforms, and between workers who use the sharing economy to generate all 
versus some of their annual income?

•                    Feminist geographies of digital work; and how gendered and 
racialized identities and varied responsibilities of care differently shape 
workers’ abilities to participate and succeed as digital microentrepreneurs in 
the sharing economy.

•                    Geographical possibilities for organising on-demand 
platform workers in the face of digital ‘subcontracted capitalism’ (Wills 2009).

•                    Alternative platform work models (cooperative platforms) 
that seek to ‘take back the sharing economy’ a la Scholz and Gibson-Graham.

•                    Mutual gains / interventionist possibilities to improve 
the work-lives of on-demand workers in a manner that simultaneously improve 
service delivery for customers and increase revenues for digital platforms (in 
short, are these necessarily competing alternatives?)

•                    The methodological challenges and useful strategies for 
doing research on digital labour geographies in practice and using online work 
platforms as a robust source of survey data.

Please send expressions of interest and abstracts to Al James 
( and Hannelore Roos ( by 
Thursday March 1 2018.

Dr Al James
British Academy Mid-Career Research Fellow (2017-18), Reader in Economic 

School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Daysh Building, Newcastle 
University, NE1 7RU
Tw: @Re_AlJames | Ph: +44(0)191 208 6346 |<>

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