Hi all,
Just a quick note to draw your attention to a Symposium just published on
the Antipode website in honor of Susan Christopherson
and her germinal essay "On Being Outside 'the Project'". We are pleased to
offer this Symposium in Susan’s honor, along with her original essay
and Cindi Katz’s 2006 chapter from our Book Series’ David Harvey critical
reader <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/9780470773581>, which
engaged it at length. Many thanks to the contributors to the Symposium –
Cindi Katz (CUNY Graduate Center), Katharine Rankin (University of
Toronto), Jennifer Clark (Georgia Institute of Technology), Rachel Weber
(University of Illinois at Chicago), and Amy Glasmeier (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology).


Dr. Marion Werner
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
University at Buffalo, SUNY
105 Wilkeson Quad
Buffalo, NY 14261
716-645-0475 <(716)%20645-0475>

Co-Editor | Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography

Blog post: We are all citizens! Puerto Rico and the Caribbean from
Hurricane Katrina to Maria

Global Displacements: The making of uneven development in the Caribbean
(Wiley, 2016)

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