*Political Ecologies of Sustainability Certifications*

Organizers: Matthew Archer (Yale University, School of Forestry and
Environmental Studies) and Martin Skrydstrup (University of Copenhagen,
Center of African Studies)

The construction and regimentation of sustainability certification programs
speaks to central themes in political ecology (Eden 2011). As Freidberg
(2017: 1392) has recently observed, however, despite a robust literature on
the impact of sustainability standards and certifications on workers’
livelihoods, “we have little idea about how they are enacted inside and
between companies further down the supply chain.” This points to a pressing
need for scholarship that is attentive to relationships among actors along
the entire value chain, rather than just at one end of it.

This panel will investigate the political ecologies of sustainability
certifications by focusing on the infrastructures (broadly conceived) of
different certification regimes (e.g., FLO, Rainforest Alliance, FSC,
etc.), moving past the linearity of commodity chain studies in order to
examine and theorize the recursive, contingent, and political nature of
“actually-existing” value chains and the diverse certification initiatives
within them. We hope to begin uncovering what sustainability certifications
mean by tracing their production and circulation as labels affixed to
widely-trade commodities (e.g., tea, coffee, diamonds, etc.), but also as
emergent commodities in and of themselves. What are the impacts of
different certification regimes on processes of production and consumption?
Who stands to benefit the most from the implementation and uptake of these
standards? How and by whom is certification valued? How do actors
distinguish between sustainable and unsustainable products?

We invite paper proposals focused on various aspects of sustainability
certification in global value chains. *Please send abstracts of ca. 250
words to Matthew Archer (matthew.arc...@yale.edu <matthew.arc...@yale.edu>)
by December 6.* Panelists will be notified by December 10 and will have to
register for the conference by December 15.

Works Cited:

Eden, Sally. 2011. “The politics of certification: consumer knowledge,
power, and global governance in eco-labeling.” In *Global Political
Ecology, *Richard Peet et al. (eds.). New York: Routledge, pp. 169-184.

Freidberg, Susanne. 2017. “Big Food and Little Data: The Slow Harvest of
Corporate Food Supply Chain Sustainability Initiatives.” *Annals of the
Association of American Geographers *107(6): 1389-1406.

Matthew Archer
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Yale University

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