Economic Geographers,

1) Remember to (re)join the Economic Geography Specialty Group when you 
register for the 2019 AAG conference (tell your friends, colleagues, students, 

In addition to providing the resources required to support our annual student 
awards and student scholarships, your membership in EGSG allows you access to 
AAG’s EGSG Community portal (see below).

2) How to circulate jobs, announcements, and calls:
You can circulate EGSG related calls for papers or job posting either through 
the EGSG listserv (instructions here:
Or through the AAG’s EGSG Community portal:

3) Reminder on instructions for requesting EGSG sponsorship of AAG panels:
With submission deadlines arriving soon for the AAG...

AAG's Economic Geography Specialty Group (EGSG) is happy to sponsor relevant 
sessions at the upcoming AAG conference in Washington DC (April 3 - April 7, 
2019). See:

The AAG deadlines for submitting paper abstracts is October 25, 2018 and 
November 8, 2018 for organized sessions.
Please see this link for further info on deadlines and organizing sessions:

Just as a reminder (or for those new to the process), acquiring EGSG session 
sponsorship involves requesting approval of the session and registering 
sponsorship online.

Please send all session sponsorship requests to Peter Kedron (Vice Chair, 

A session title and summary description or the full CFP will do.
Please send these requests no later than November 1, 2018.

After we approve the request, the session organizer MUST then remember to check 
the box indicating EGSG sponsorship when formally registering the session via 
the AAG's conference site.

Looking forward to seeing some great sessions in Washington DC!


Dr. Jennifer Clark
Chair, Economic Geography Specialty Group, AAG

Georgia Institute of Technology
tel. 404.385.7224
twitter. @GTCUI

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