Renee Tapp and I are looking for one more paper to round out our set of
sessions for the AAG (two paper sessions and a panel discussion). Please
reach out ASAP if you have a relevant abstract. Description below:

*AAG 2019 CFP: Post-Crisis Fiscal Geographies: A Retrospective on the 10th
Anniversary of the Global Financial CrisisOrganizers: Kelly Kay (UCLA) and
Renee Tapp (Harvard University)Sponsored by: Economic Geography Specialty
Group, Political Geography Specialty Group,Legal Geography Specialty
GroupTen years ago when the Lehman Brothers bank collapsed, tax and fiscal
policies became implicated in the crisis that spread across the United
States to Europe (Wainwright 2013).  National governments drew on taxpayer
money and other fiscal levers to prop up failing banks and financial
institutions, and to intervene in bankrupt cities. Just one short decade
later, US President Donald Trump announced record quarterly GDP growth of
4.2% (BEA 2018); while cities once teetering on the edge of fiscal calamity
seem to be emerging as the new icons of revitalization (Kinney 2016, Peck
and Whiteside 2016, Akers 2015, Davidson and Ward 2014).  Economists
speculate that recent growth and reinvestment in the US can be attributed
to monetary and fiscal policy decisions like cuts to corporate and
individual tax rates and very low interest rates (McKinsey Global Analytics
2018, Blinder and Zandi 2010). Despite the overall total growth in the
economy, the post-crisis period has been rocky. Since 2008, scholars have
drawn attention to record levels of inequality (Federal Reserve 2017), tax
evasion and accumulation (Aalbers 2018), emergent social movements (Fields
2017), and the concentration of profits in the same sectors of the US
economy where the crisis originated ten years ago (Christophers, Leyshon,
and Mann 2017, Ashton and Christophers 2016). In this retrospective
session, we focus on the "fiscal geographies" (Tapp and Kay forthcoming) of
the crisis and recovery. We seek to bring together scholars working on a
broad range of topics related to post-crisis political economy in order to
better evaluate the impacts of state fiscal policies and financial
regulations, across all scales of governance.  We invite papers that make
empirical engagements or theoretical interventions that consider how states
and capital have come to be differentially oriented since the 2008 crisis.
Possible themes include but are not limited to: - New geographies of
financial bubbles - Case studies of companies or industries that received
bailouts- Geographies of wealth concentration and debt - Legacies of
austerity - Restructuring of the FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate)
sector since the crisis- Stock buybacks, regulations, or other innovations
in banking- Reconfigurations of nature-state-society relations since the
crash- New/changing patterns of property-led accumulation- Urban governance
and fiscal balance sheets (accounting systems, interest rates, credit
scores, service delivery) - Impacts of particular tax policies, regulation,
and legislation on accumulation, including those that span the urban/rural
divide- Gendered or raced experiences of post-crisis state or economic
institutionsPlease send 250 word abstracts to
<> and
<>.References:Akers, J. 2015. Emerging City Market.
Environment and Planning A 47(1): 1842-1858. Aalbers, M. 2018. Financial
geography I: Geographies of tax.  Progress in Human Geography:
0309132517731253.Ashton, P., and Christophers, B. 2018. Remaking mortgage
markets by remaking mortgages: US housing finance after the crisis.
Economic Geography 94(3): 238-258.Blinder, A.S. and Zandi, M.M. (2010). How
The Great Recession Was Brought to an End. Moody's.
<>US Bureau of
Economic Analysis (BEA). 2018. US Economy at a Glance.
<>Christophers, B., Leyshon, A., and Mann,
G. 2017. Money and Finance After the Crisis: Taking Critical Stock. Money
and Finance After the Crisis: Critical Thinking for Uncertain Times,
1-40.Davidson, M. and Ward, K., 2014. ‘Picking up the pieces’: austerity
urbanism, California and fiscal crisis. Cambridge Journal of Regions,
Economy and Society 7(1): 81-97.Federal Reserve. 2017. Changes in US Family
Finances from 2013 to 2016: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances.
<>Fields, D.
2017. Urban struggles with financialization. Geography Compass 11(11):
e12334.Kinney, R. 2016. Beautiful Wasteland: The Rise of Detroit as
America’s Postindustrial Frontier. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press. McKinsey Global Analytics. 2018. A Decade After the Global Financial
Crisis: What Has (and Hasn't) Changed?
J., and Whiteside, H. 2016. Financializing Detroit. Economic Geography
92(3): 235-268.Tapp, R., and K. Kay (forthcoming). Fiscal Geographies:
“Placing” Taxation in Urban Geography.   Wainwright, T. 2013. Which crisis?
The need to understand spaces of (non) tax in the economic recovery.
Environment and Planning A 45(5): 1008-1012.*

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