Dear Jim:

Nice to hear from you.

Hope this email finds you well.

I just have one question.

Would you explain in more detail about "economic practices"?

I look forward to hearing from you.

With best regards,


Sam Ock Park
Principal, Sangsan High School
Professor Emeritus of Seoul National University
Chair Professor of Gachon University
Tel: Office: +82-63-239-5304; HP:+82-10-3787-6449
--------- 원본 메일 ---------
보낸사람 : James Murphy <>
받은날짜 : 2019-01-18 (금) 03:41:52
제목 : Call for Papers - RSA Annual Conference 2019 - Practices and the Regional Econom

A new call for papers for the 2019 RSA Annual Conference  - Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th June 2019 - University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Please contact Andrew Jones ( and/or I ( if you are interested.

Jim Murphy

SS26. Practices and the Regional Economy

Session Organiser(s)

  • Andrew Jones, City, University of London, UK
  • Jim Murphy, Clark University, USA

There has been a growing interest in the nature of economic practices across economic geography, economic sociology, management studies and international business. However, whilst much of this work has been directed towards better understanding of regional economies and their interconnectedness in the global economy, there has only to date been limited direct engagement between these ‘practice-oriented’ approaches within regional science. This session seeks to bring together work that in broad terms is seeking to adopt a practice-oriented approach to regional economic development.

The session invites theoretical or empirical presentations that might included (but are not limited to):

  • Firm-level or corporate practices within and across regional economies;
  • The nature and significance of regional economic regulatory or institutional practices;
  • The intersection of regional economic practices within GPNs;
  • Alternative economic practices and the regional economy;
  • Regional financial practices and their role in regional economic development;
  • How a practice-oriented approach develops new insight into the nature of regional economic success or failure.

Please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Jones ( or Jim Murphy ( for further information. Interested participants should submit an abstract of no more than 200 words via the RSA platform by 28 February 2019.


James T. Murphy, Ph.D.


Graduate School of Geography, Clark University

Editor-in-Chief, Economic Geography -


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