Announcing the AAG Economic Geography Specialty Group 2019 Student Award

The AAG Economic Geography Specialty Group makes four annual awards in
economic geography, with the results announced each year at the AAG Annual
 (in Washington DC April 3-7,

- Graduate Student Research Award

- JW Harrington Undergraduate Paper Competition

- Award for the Best Dissertation in Economic Geography

- Award for the Best Student Paper in Economic Geography

Details on each award are:

Graduate Student Research Award (deadline: 4 March 2019)

This competitive award ($750) is designed to support innovative and
original graduate student research that is likely to make a significant
contribution to the development of the field of economic geography.
Proposals will be judged on the basis of the theoretical and substantive
significance of the research, appropriateness of the methods employed, and
the potential impact of the funding. Funds can be used towards travel,
subsistence, equipment and/or other normal research expenses.

Applications should include (a) a one-page vita, with full contact details,
(b) a two-page statement (exclusive of references), detailing the nature of
the proposed research and its expected contribution, and (c) a one page
provisional budget, detailing the uses to which award funds would be put.
Awardees must be registered graduate students throughout the duration of
the award, and must be members of the Economic Geography Specialty Group at
the time of review.

Two EGSG Board members will review the applications and make a
recommendation to the EGSG Board. Please send your submission, in PDF
format, to Anthony Howell at

Best Dissertation (deadline: 4 March 2019)

Students completing a Ph.D. dissertation in the preceding calendar year
(2018), are eligible for the best dissertation competition. An award of
$500 is offered for the best dissertation. Please note that the
dissertation must be dated 2018 to be eligible for this year's award.

Two EGSG Board members will review the applications and make a
recommendation to the EGSG Board. Please send your dissertation, in PDF
format, to Abigail Cooke at

Best Student Paper (deadline: 4 March 2019)

Students presenting a paper at the AAG annual conference (or who presented
a paper any time in the 12 months preceding the 2019 conference) are
eligible for the best student paper competition. An award of $200 is
offered for the best student paper. Papers should be in English, and no
longer than 15 pages double-spaced in 12-point font (including explanatory
footnotes/endnotes, but excluding references, figures and tables) with an
additional 100-200 word abstract. And yes, you can submit your planned
paper for the 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington DC, but it obviously has to
be written ahead of time!

Two EGSG Board members will review the submitted papers and make a
recommendation to the EGSG Board. Please send your submission, in PDF
format, to Kean Birch at

JW Harrington Undergraduate Paper Competition (deadline: 4 March 2019)

This competition is designed to recognize and encourage promising
undergraduate scholars of African descent to pursue further training and
careers in Geography. This competition is open to all eligible
undergraduates regardless of their current undergraduate major.

A $500 cash prize will be awarded to the undergraduate producing the most
innovative research paper addressing material well-being within and/or
across places. The places of inquiry can be at any scale - from
neighborhoods to world regions - and any time period - past, present, or
future. The winner must present their research at a meeting of the AAG
within a year and a half after the award is received.

To be eligible for this award, the student:


   Must identify as Black (part of the African Diaspora);

   Must be enrolled full time at an accredited college or university;

   Need not be a Geography major or member of the AAG;

   Must be sponsored by a faculty member who provides a written statement
   describing the student’s scholarly interests and promise as a potential

Submissions guidelines and mechanics:


   Research papers should be no longer than 2,500 words (exclusive of
   references). Maps, tables, and figures can be included. A bibliography must
   be included.

   All submission materials (paper, cover sheet, and faculty member’s
   statement) should be sent to EGSG Vice-Chair, Abigail Cooke:

   Submissions will be evaluated by a committee comprised of current and
   past EGSG board members. Final decisions will be by current EGSG board

   The winner and runners-up will be notified in mid-March of the award

   The award will be publicly announced and presented at the Annual Meeting
   of the American Association of Geographers.

Good luck everyone!

The EGSG Board

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