Dear EGSG members,

We are *seeking nominations* for the Roepke Lecture speaker for the
AAG Annual Meeting 2020 (April 6-10, Denver, CO).  The Roepke Lecture is an
opportunity to honor and showcase scholars who have made transformative
contributions in the field of economic geography.

Please *send your nominations DIRECTLY* to *Peter Kedron
at <>*  and/or *Jim Murphy * by *Wednesday, February 20, 2019.*  Once nominations
are received the EGSG Board and the EG Editors/Editorial Board will select
the 2020 speaker from among those nominated.

(Note: Please *do NOT hit 'reply' to this email message* as your nomination
will be sent to everyone on this list!)

*This year’s speaker is Erica Schoenberger* from Johns Hopkins (for details
on her lecture please see -;;sdata=vDS%2B2gW0sP1lX5OAInfgiGQ0LGkssM2K%2BSVCHFoZFLA%3D&amp;reserved=0
).  The Roepke Lecture is co-sponsored by *Economic Geography*
 (EG) and the AAG Economic Geography Specialty Group
 (EGSG).  Roepke Lectures are also published as articles in *Economic

Recent lecturers are as follows:

2018 – Katherine Gibson, Western Sydney University

2017 – Nancy Fraser, New School for Social Research

2016 – Amy Glasmeier, MIT

2015 – Jamie Peck, UBC

2014 – Linda McDowell, Oxford

2013 – Gordon Clark, Oxford

2012 – Dani Rodrik, Harvard

2011 – Trevor Barnes, UBC

2010 – David Harvey, CUNY

2009 – Ron Martin, Cambridge University

2008 – Michael Storper, LSE/UCLA

2007 – AnnaLee Saxenian, UC Berkeley

We look forward to receiving your nominations.


Peter Kedron, Arizona State University (Chair, AAG Economic Geography
Specialty Group)

Jim Murphy, Clark University (Editor-in-Chief, Economic Geography)

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