Hi everyone,

I’m just posting a call for applications for a PhD fellowship in Critical
Policy Analysis and SNA:

It’s for a project looking at the influence of the 'Big Four’ professional
service firms (Deloitte, EY, PwC, KPMG) in public policy-making. I’m
looking for a PhD student who is actively researching or interested in
Social Network Analysis and/or Critical Policy Studies.

The student does not need to be at Concordia, but they must be actively
doing their PhD over the next two years.

It’s a one year position, renewable for a second year, commencing in
September 2019.

Could you please forward it along to folks who you think might be
interested? Deadline is 31 April.

Thanks, and all the best.


Chris Hurl, Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Concordia University

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