Call for Papers

Association of American Geographers Conference 2020

Denver, 6-10 April 2020


Paper Session 

A World of Rents! Interrogating Rentier Capitalism


Organizers (alphabetical)

Kean BIRCH (York University, Canada); Desiree FIELDS (University of
California, Berkeley, USA); Kelly KAY (UCLA, USA); Sarah KNUTH (University
of Durham, UK); Jathan SADOWSKI (University of Sydney, Australia); Renee
TAPP (Harvard University, USA); Callum WARD (UCL, UK) 


Brief Outline 

Economic rents are usually characterized as a distortion of markets, a
corruption of politics, or unearned (and undeserved) income; similar
analytical and normative framings stretch across the political economic
spectrum from right to left. Geographers are increasingly (re)engaging with
the issue of rents, rent-seeking, and rentiership at different scales, in
different places, and to different effects. While some focus on the
emergence and development of new modes of rentier capitalism, others are
more focused on mapping out the nitty-gritty, everyday practices entailed in
the making of rents through the enclosure of assets. Across these different
approaches is a common sense that, for those looking to extract value, a
wide world of rents is beckoning - with all the problems it entails. 


See here for a longer CfP:


Brief Questions 

We invite papers that address a number of pertinent questions (others also


1.     How are rentier relations manifesting within
surveillance/digital/platform capitalism? 

2.     What models of rent-seeking and rentiership do we see emerging from
the intersection of technology, real estate, land, and other interests? How
are these rents being made? 

3.     How are (or are not) contemporary rentier relations connected to
older forms of rent, rentiership, and rentier capitalism? 

4.     What political economies support the development of, and emerge from,
this world of rents? 

5.     How are different social actors, regulations, and markets implicated
in conflicts and contestations over redistributional rents? 

6.     How are rents and rent-seeking being positioned as matters of
national, urban, and/or regional self-interest and economic strategy?
Through what narratives and discursive devices are rent extraction being

7.     In what ways has the increasing prevalence of rentiership been
promoted or curbed by political struggle? 

8.     What difference does 'nature' and 'materiality' make to rent-seeking


Abstract Submission 

If you would like to participate in the session, please submit an abstract
(250 words max) by 15 October 2019 to Jathan Sadowski
( and Kean Birch ( If you would
like to participate in other ways (e.g. discussant) then please feel free to
contact us as well. 


Please note: once you have submitted an abstract to us, you will also need
to register AND submit an abstract on the AAG website. The AAG abstract
deadline is 30 October 2019:




Kean Birch


Graduate Program Director,  
 Science &
Technology Studies Program

Associate Professor,  
 Department of

 Science as Culture

Editorial Board Member, Science, Technology,
 & Human Values

 Innovation Policy Lab,
University of Toronto


4700 Keele Street

York University



M3J 1P3


Tel.: (+1) 416-736-2100, ext. 30126



Birch, K. (2019) Technoscience Rent: Toward a Theory of
for Technoscientific Capitalism, Science, Technology and Human Values [Open

Birch, K. (2018) Review essay: What is the asset condition?
presses-des-mines-2017/D95DDD8D91718699E3486B1E67FE7845> , European Journal
of Sociology 59(3): 500-506.

Birch, K. (2017) Rethinking
 value in the
bio-economy: Finance, assetization and the management of value, Science,
Technology and Human Values 42(3): 460-490 [Open Access].



Birch, K. (2019) Neoliberal Bio-economies? The Co-construction of Markets
 & Natures, Palgrave

Birch, K. (2017)
 A Research
Agenda for Neoliberalism, Edward Elgar.

Birch, K. et al. (2017)
Business & Society: A Critical Introduction, Zed Books.

Springer, S., Birch, K. and MacLeavy (eds) (2016)
 The Handbook of
Neoliberalism, Routledge.

Birch, K. (2016)  
Innovation, Regional Development & the Life Sciences, Routledge.

Birch, K. (2015)
er/Documents/Admin> We Have Never Been Neoliberal, Zer0 Books.



Personal website:  




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