Dear All,

with apologies for cross-posting - attached you find a CfP for a Special Session on:

SMEs/Family Businesses and Regional Development,
(RSAI World Congress 2020 Marrakesh, Maroc, June 2-5 2020)

The abstracts can be submitted directly by interested authors via the above mentioned links, via at the CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (
or they can be sent to us until February 23, 2020.

Please contact us shall any questions arise.
Critical perspectives on this topic are greatly welcome.

Happy New Year,
Lech & Rodrigo

Prof. Dr. Lech Suwala
Professor in Urban and Regional Economics
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Stadt-und Regionalplanung
Hardenbergstr.40A / Sekr. B4 / Raum 208
10623 Berlin
Tel.       +49 30 314 28088
Tel. Sekr. +49 30 314 28089
Fax.       +49 30 314 28150

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