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(sorry for cross-posting – we want to make sure this makes it to all economic 

Hello economic geographers,
Jam packed message here. Please read on for details on how to submit 
nominations (and self-nominations!) for:
1) new economic geography keynote lecture (due ASAP, but by Oct 28)
2) student awards  (due Feb 3)
3) EGSG Board at-large and student rep positions (due Dec 1)

This new keynote will replace the Roepke Lecture, which Economic Geography has 
cancelled for the foreseeable future.

In an effort to share new and exciting research within the breadth and 
expanding directions of economic geography with the EGSG community, the EGSG 
board requests nominations for early career scholars to give a Keynote Lecture 
during the AAG Annual Meeting. We are aiming to showcase a talk based on the 
scholar’s research and that articulates an exciting trajectory in economic 
geography. In other words, call in the EGSG community to important research 
directions! The keynote lecture will be 45 minutes with a 15 minute response 
from a senior scholar and 20 minutes for audience questions. An honorarium for 
the talk will be provided. Here, early career is defined as about 3-6 years out 
from earning the PhD. (Journal sponsorship pending!)

If you wish to nominate an excellent early career scholar (boost your former 
students and your awesome colleagues!!), please send their name and email 
address as soon as possible (so that we can reach out to them to see if they 
are interested).

If you wish to nominate yourself (just go for it!!), please email the following 
information: (a) the year you earned your PhD, (b) your current job title & 
employer, (c) a preliminary title & draft abstract of the talk you would like 
to give (250 words or less). If you have already submitted an abstract to 
present a paper, please still feel free to submit an abstract for this - we can 
make it possible for you to do both.

Please send any questions and your nominations, including self-nominations, to 
Abigail Cooke (amco...@buffalo.edu<mailto:amco...@buffalo.edu>) and Emily 
Rosenman (ekr5...@psu.edu<mailto:ekr5...@psu.edu>).

STUDENT AWARDS (deadline: 3 February 2022)
The AAG Economic Geography Specialty Group makes three annual awards in 
economic geography, with the results announced each year at the AAG Annual 
Meeting (Hybrid NYC & Virtual: Feb. 25 - March 1, 2022). Each award will be 
reviewed by two EGSG Board members who will make a recommendation to the EGSG 

a) Graduate Student Research Award (deadline: 3 February 2022)
This competitive award ($750) is designed to support innovative and original 
graduate student research that is likely to make a significant contribution to 
the development of the field of economic geography. Proposals will be judged on 
the basis of the theoretical and substantive significance of the research, 
appropriateness of the methods employed, and the potential impact of the 
funding. Funds can be used towards travel, subsistence, equipment and/or other 
normal research expenses.
Submission materials include: (a) a one-page vita, with full contact details, 
(b) a two-page statement (exclusive of references), detailing the nature of the 
proposed research and its expected contribution, and (c) a one-page provisional 
budget, detailing the uses to which award funds would be put. Awardees must be 
registered graduate students throughout the duration of the award and must be 
members of the Economic Geography Specialty Group at the time of review.
Please send your submission, in PDF format, to Michael Ewers 
(mew...@uncc.edu<mailto:mew...@uncc.edu>); Joel Jennings 

b) Best Dissertation (deadline: 3 February 2022)
Students completing a Ph.D. dissertation in the preceding calendar year (2021), 
are eligible for the best dissertation competition. An award of $500 is offered 
for the best dissertation. Please note that the dissertation must be dated 2021 
to be eligible for this year's award. Submission materials include just the 
dissertation itself.
Please send your submission, in PDF format, to Michael Ewers 
(mew...@uncc.edu<mailto:mew...@uncc.edu>); Joel Jennings 

c) Best Student Paper (deadline: 3 February 2022)
Students presenting a paper at the AAG annual conference (or who presented a 
paper at a Regional meeting any time in the 12 months preceding the 2022 annual 
conference) are eligible for the best student paper competition. An award of 
$200 is offered for the best student paper. Papers should be in English, no 
longer than journal article length. And yes, you can submit your planned paper 
for the 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting, but it obviously has to be written ahead 
of time! Submission materials include: (a) the paper itself, (b) proof of when 
it was/will be presented (i.e., acceptance of the abstract to the conference or 
inclusion in the program).
Please send your submission, in PDF format, to Michael Ewers 
(mew...@uncc.edu<mailto:mew...@uncc.edu>); Joel Jennings 

EGSG BOARD SEATS (deadline December 1, 2021)
It is also time to start the process of filling open board positions. Please 
consider running. All board members weigh in on board activities and decisions, 
usually via email a couple times per year. At-large members primarily help in 
reading student award submissions in the run up to the Annual Meeting. The 
student rep primarily helps promote EGSG sessions at the Annual Meeting. In 
short, the work required is relatively minimal, however there is a lot of scope 
for taking on initiatives you are excited about. If you have ideas about how 
EGSG could support economic geographers and promote economic geography, please 
run!  We have three positions to fill:
Two At-large Board Members (two-year term: 2022 and 2023)
One Student Representative (one-year term: 2022)

Please send your nominations (specifying at-large or student) directly to me at 
amco...@buffalo.edu<mailto:amco...@buffalo.edu> by December 1, 2021. If you are 
nominating someone else, please cc them, so I can double check that they are 
willing to serve. The election will happen occur shortly after nominations 
close, so that the new board members will be in place to start in January 202

The current board is:
Chair: Abigail Cooke, University at Buffalo (Jan 2021 - Dec 2022)
Vice Chair / Treasurer: Emily Rosenman, Penn State University (VC: Jan 2021 - 
Dec 2022 & Chair: Jan 2023 - Dec 2024)
At-Large Board Members:
Siobhan McPhee, The University of British Columbia (Jan 2020 - Dec 2021)
Luis Alvarez Leon, Dartmouth College (Jan 2020 - Dec 2021)
Michael Ewers, UNC Charlotte (Jan 2021 - Dec 2022)
Joel Jennings, Saint Louis University (Jan 2021 - Dec 2022)
Student Representative: Ruilin Yang, University of Toronto (Jan 2021 - Dec 2021)

Abigail Cooke

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