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Dear Colleagues,
With the 6th Global Conference on Economic Geography (GCEG) to be held in 
Dublin (7-10th of June, 2022; 
 approaching, we would like to start looking for colleagues and institutions 
interested in hosting the 7th GCEG in 2025 (or in 2026 at the latest).
Potential candidates are invited to send us a short proposal (3-4 pages) which 
would include the following:

  *   A statement of motivation: Why are you interested in hosting the 
Conference and the main theme you would like to dedicate the Conference to.
  *   A planned composition of your local organizing committee, with a view for 
balance and diversity, including in terms of gender and career stage. At this 
point, it will be good if you have confirmed several key local co-organizers or 
committee members.
  *   Evidence of support from your home institution/s (e.g. your faculty or 
  *   Evidence of support from external institutions (e.g. geographical and 
related societies).
  *   A description of basic infrastructural resources (e.g. the planned 
conference venue).
  *   A brief description of a financial plan, including costs, revenues and 
sponsorship opportunities.
  *   A description on how you would promote the global scope and diversity of 
the conference, including planned support for research students and early 
career researchers.
Proposals should be submitted by email by the end of February 2022 to 
(p.dannenb...@uni-koeln.de). If you have any questions or just want to indicate 
your intention to submit, please, do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you in Dublin!
Peter Dannenberg (Chair; Cologne), Dieter Kogler (Dublin), Weidong Liu 
(Beijing), Dariusz Wójcik (Oxford), and Henry Yeung (Singapore)
Standing Committee of the GCEG

Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenberg
Global South Studies Center
Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln
Albertus-Magnus-Platz  50923 Köln
Besuchsadresse: Otto-Fischer-Str. 4  50674 Köln (Südbau, Raum 2.12)
Telefon: +49-(0)221-470-1542

Editor of the Springer book series Economic Geography

------------------ Recent papers ------------------
Dannenberg, P., Kretschmer, H., Ludwig, M., Scheulen, L., & Nielsen, M. (2021). 
The Party is over! Der Umgang mit der Nachtökonomie im Touristenort Newquay. 
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie. 
Follmann, A., Willkomm, M., & Dannenberg, P. (2021). As the city grows, what do 
farmers do? A systematic review of urban and peri-urban agriculture under rapid 
urban growth across the Global South. Landscape and Urban Planning, 215, 
Follmann, A., Willkomm, M., Nduru, G., Owuor, G., & Dannenberg, P. (2021). 
Continuity under change: Towards a spatiotemporal understanding of 
market-oriented urban and peri-urban agriculture - Insights from Kenya. Applied 
Geography, 135, 102528. 
Fuchs, M., Dannenberg, P., & Wiedemann, C. (2021). Big Tech and Labour 
Resistance at Amazon. Science as Culture, 1-15. 
Hartmann, G., Nduru, G., & Dannenberg, P. (2021). Digital connectivity at the 
upstream end of value chains: A dynamic perspective on smartphone adoption 
amongst horticultural smallholders in Kenya. Competition & Change, 167-189. 
Tups, G., & Dannenberg, P. (2021). Emptying the Future, Claiming Space: The 
Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania as a Spatial Imaginary for 
Strategic Coupling Processes. Geoforum, 123, 23-35. 

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