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Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to submit abstracts to our paper track on agri-food 
transitions at IST2024 in Oslo, Norway from 16th to 19th June.
You can submit your abstracts 
 (Track 11). The deadline for abstract submissions is 16th February 2024.

Reimagining agrifood: Querying sustainability transitions through innovation, 
actors, mechanisms and governance

Track convenors: Camilla Chlebna (Kiel University), Gillian Cornish 
(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Simon Fielke 
(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Jonathan 
Friedrich (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research), Petra Wagner 
(Austrian Institute of Technology) & Jana Zscheischler (University of Vechta, 
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research)

Corresponding convenor: Camilla Chlebna 

Type of contributions: Full papers and speed talks

Agricultural activities are a major driver of global environmental change, 
while simultaneously being one of the most vulnerable sectors to the effects of 
climate change with critical consequences for global food security. The 
proposed track aims to deepen our understanding of shaping transformations 
towards more sustainable agrifood systems that serve both humans and nature(s). 
Within the transitions literature, agricultural sectors are relatively less 
explored than others (e.g. energy). There is a need to improve how we 
understand the roles of actors, mechanisms, proposals for change and expected 
outcomes, as well as debates about normative contestations and conflict, and 
potential unintended side-effects.

With a focus on equity, justice, food security, and resilience in the face of 
environmental change (including climate change), this paper track will examine 
the critical role and responsibilities of different actors such as farmers, 
innovation actors, incumbents, intermediaries, policy actors, and (other) focal 
actors, in orchestrating and/or hindering sustainability transitions in 
agrifood systems.

The track will further attend to the mechanisms and roles by which these actors 
navigate sustainability transitions within and across agrifood systems, how 
they work across and between research and technology development and connect 
with diverse governance arrangements to solve cross-societal issues. The track 
will actively engage with discussions on innovative research methodologies, 
specifically exploring pathways through interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, 
and transformative research approaches (e.g. by attending to discussions on 
responsible research and innovation).

We invite contributions from diverse geographic locations, including from the 
global south, to present a comprehensive understanding of how different 
agricultural landscapes, social dynamics and embeddings contend with agrifood 
system transitions, particularly on Indigenous peoples' lands.

Cluster I: Actors and networks

  *   actor roles and responsibilities
  *   new actor groups, coalitions and networks
  *   power and agency, (financial) resources and (social) capital
  *   normative contestations and conflict

Cluster II: Knowledge and innovation systems

  *   diverse knowledge systems (including normative knowledge)
  *   collaboration across scientific disciplines, interdisciplinary and 
transdisciplinary research approaches
  *   new innovation systems, adjustment of existing innovation systems, just 
innovation approaches (e.g. RRI)

Cluster III: Institutions and Governance

  *   role of public sector organisations and industry
  *   governance risks and opportunities
  *   role of innovation policies (e.g. mission-oriented approaches)

Cluster IV: Geography and Context

  *   socio-technical differences between geopolitical spaces
  *   impact on rural development and local livelihoods
  *   dark sides, unintended side effects and trade-offs

Cluster V: Tracking and assessing change and effectiveness

  *   effective tracking and assessing of the effectiveness of sustainability 
initiatives within agrifood systems and nature
  *   (most) relevant indicators and metrics, and their application across 
diverse contexts

Should you have any questions, please approach me at 
chle...@geographie.uni-kiel.de<mailto:chle...@geographie.uni-kiel.de> or any of 
my colleagues.

Kind regards on behalf of all conveners,
Dr. Camilla Chlebna
Working group Economic Geography

Tel: +49 431 880 4029
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 8
24118 Kiel

Latest publications:
Löhr, M., Chlebna, C., 2023. Multi-system interactions in hydrogen-based sector 
coupling projects: System entanglers as key actors. Energy Research & Social 
Science, 103282. 

Chlebna, C., Martin, H., Mattes, J., 2023. Grasping transformative regional 
development - Exploring intersections between industrial paths and 
sustainability transitions. Environ Plan A 55, 222-234. 

Rohe, S., Chlebna, C., 2022. The evolving role of networking organizations in 
advanced sustainability transitions. Technological Forecasting and Social 
Change 183, 121916. 

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