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This month

  Ecoliving * Environmental Purchasing Policy
  Wellbeing * Less Stress the Christmas


Environmental Purchasing Policy

We spend a lot of time talking about what is wrong with the world and
very often we feel powerless, hoping that someone else will do
something about it.  We tend to forget that the market is consumer
driven and every time we spend a dollar we are creating the world.
We are influencing what is going to be on the shelves tomorrow by
what we buy today.  If we want healthy, environmentally friendly
products we have to go out and buy them and let the multi-nationals
know that this is what we want.  That way we will no longer put up
with harmful products.

So every time you make a purchase consider what you are buying and
the message that it is sending to the producers.  Buy products that
are good for you and the environment.  Develop a purchasing policy
that makes waste minimization a priority.
Before buying anything see if the product can be made from recycled
Can it be reused or recycled after initial use?
Ask yourself if you really need to buy it at all.
Could you reuse something else?
Could you find the product second hand?

To make your shopping more environmentally sound:

Avoid disposable products

Buy in bulk to reduce packaging

Buy products that are recycled and/or recyclable

Do not buy products which have been tested on animals

Buy quality products that will last

Do not buy products which negatively influence or are made from
endangered species.

Do not buy products which negatively effect your health

Do not buy products which cause significant damage to the environment
during production or disposal

Do not buy over-packaged goods

Buy goods with packaging that can be reused, recycled or is

Buy organic fruits, vegetables and meats whenever possible.  Common
agricultural practices are very polluting.  Run off and leaching from
pesticides, fertilizers and fungicides contaminate our underground
water and rivers, killing off aquatic wildlife and making it unfit
for human consumption.

Keep cleaners as natural as possible.  Detergents, shampoos,
dishwashing liquids, oven cleaners etc that contain chemicals are
very difficult to treat in our sewage systems.  The result is many
heavy metals and toxic chemicals in our streams and oceans because
treatment cannot remove them all.  Soil and rocks are excellent
filters for natural biological materials but cannot cope with the
chemical cocktails that they are subjected to every day.

When purchasing new appliances buy the most energy efficient that you
can.  It may cost a little initially but it will pay itself off by
lessening your energy bills.

Do not buy appliances that are bigger or more powerful than you

To help you reduce your environmental impacts in your home and garden
Exalted Living has produced a book 'How to do a Home Environmental
Audit'.  For details go to our webpage   It is available in an instantly
downloadable form.


Less Stress the Christmas

Don Aslett sums up the way many people have come to view Christmas in
the paragraph below.

"*And so to Christmas * a festival unfortunately so far removed from
its original spirit that it has become the worst junk generator of
the year.  We feel bound to shower with presents those who shower us
with presents.  Feverishly we scour the shops for knick-knacks,
curios, oddities, and as the great day draws nearer a mad panic grips
us.  Almost anything will do as a gift, so long as each person
receives a brightly wrapped package from us.  What proportion of
these gifts become instant junk?  And afterwards, of course, we keep
the wrapping paper, the glittering string and the cards and all the
tired old decorations.  For some reason we can't just enjoy the
spirit of the day * we have to `do' it to death.  It's as if we have
to prove we're loving or patriotic or happy or thankful.  But the
proof is in the feeling, not in the accessories." -  Don Aslett
Freedom From Clutter, (p90).

To help you avoid the above and other Christmas stresses we've put
together a few tips and hints:

PLAN * exactly what has to done to prepare
DELEGATE * You don't have to do everything yourself, but choose the
right person for the job.
TIME FOR YOU * make time for yourself everyday to relax and unwind.
Listen to your favourite music, meditate, go for a walk or find a
place where you won't be disturbed where you can sit and relax with a
cup of herbal tea
REMEMBER that the season will end.
RECREATE Christmas day menu to highlight fresh/light easily prepared
DECLUTTER * get your kids to donate some no longer loved toys * do a
LITTLE clearing out yourself (don't let this add to your stress) * to
make room for the new.  Take a look at your Audio/visual collection
is there anything in excellent condition that you no longer want that
could be given as a gift?
ECARDS * send email Christmas Cards to reduce clutter.  AFTER
CHRISTMAS put your received Christmas Cards in the Planet Ark
collection boxes at Coles New World stores for recycling.
WHAT TO GIVE * Find out a person's primary love language * Physical
Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service or Gifts
(as described in the books by Chapman and Campbell) and see if you
can give something in their primary love language
        Donate to their favourite charity on their behalf
        Offer to provide a service to them (particularly something
          they hate to do)
        Be their "slave" for a day
        Give a gift of health (service/product).  We have put
          together a list of products that we can provide that we feel fills
          this criteria.
        Wrap presents in towels * an extra useful gift or make up
          fabric gift bags that can be reused year after year.
        Put aside time that you guarantee to spend with them, doing
          whatever they want.
        Book them in for a tennis lesson/swimming lesson/ craft
          lesson, as an intro * something they always wanted to do but have
          never got around to.  Shelley once booked a friend in for an ice-
          skating lesson!
        A gift for yourself * "The greatest gift that you can give
          yourself is a little bit of your own attention" - Anthony J. 

"The best gifts are those which expect no return" - Norwegian proverb

WISHLIST * why not make up of list of things you really want *
include services and non-monetary items that you would appreciate.
This will make it easier for your loved ones to make a decision.

Remember it is the thought that is important * if you receive
something you don't like be very grateful for the thought but pass
the gift on to someone else you feel will get some use from it.


Remember it is a time to rejoice and enjoy.  If you are finding it
stressful you may like to reassess what you are going to do, who you
are going to invite and where you are going to celebrate.  Why not
try something new that can be fun for everyone.  When we were young
we spent some of those hot Christmas days swimming in the channel
just outside Kyabram.  It was nothing flash or glamorous but we
always had a great time.

Whatever your Christmas ritual * full English style?  International?
Does it bring pleasure to the preparer and recipients?  If so keep on
keeping on - If not why not re-engineer for more joy and less
stress?  Eg:  Do it on a different day * you don't have to get
together on 25th!  Change the menu * go light and luscious with lots
of fresh, enticing foods rather than hot stodgy better suited to
winter food.  Revisit the guest list * are there people who would
really rather not be there * let them off the hook!  Are there people
who would really appreciate an invitation * people without family in
the area * those caught away on business etc.

We hope all your dreams for Christmas and 2002 come true.

For a great way to improve all aspects of your life have a look at
Exalted Living's book 'Seven Ancient Secrets for a Happy Life -
Chakras.'  You will find ways to build your self-esteem and personal
power and how to let go of guilt and grief and much more.  It is
available in an instantly downloadable form from our website.  For
more information go to

We hope you enjoyed this edition of Ecoliving and Wellbeing.

Ecoliving and Wellbeing is brought to you by Exalted Living.
Please feel free to visit our web page.

You will find:

Up-to-date environmental news

Free environmental donations

Articles and Products for Ecoliving and Wellbeing

Have a great Month

Kerry-Ann Cox


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