
basing on Qemu, i've added the emulation of board 'dhtwalnut' (more info at 
http://elinux.org/DHT-Walnut) and the following new part:
- emac/mal on-chip controller
- e2prom over i2c management
- 'buffer' mode in writing on a CFI compliant AMD...

By this way i'm able to run u-boot-1.3.4 unmodified and, among others:
- use networking stack with host tun/tap software module
- write to the flash
- reset
- use gdb for powerpc to make system level debug

Just for information, patchs i added are very confused and bad written, so has 
been discarded by qemu mailing list.

So my questions:
Is there any port of such board?
Is there support for a board build around ppc405 (or ppc440) uC?


P.S: If somebody want to test such software:
- From Windows simply download
Unzip and start a file with '.bat' suffix. No installation is required.

- In Linux use file:
The board could be booted starting the file with '.sh' extension.
To test the gui part wx.Python(2.8|2.6) environment is required.

File Install.txt should contain useful information.

Any feelings are welcome.

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