
I am trying to accomplish a remote load of redboot, unsucessfully
so far, using the RPL net boot mechanism (have an old HP iron here).

Here is what I have done:
   - template i386/redboot
   - import redboot_ROM.ecm
   - change startup type to "RAM", save conf
   - build 
   - objcopy -Obinary redboot.elf redboot.bin

I am using rpld-1.7 on a Linux box, the rpld conf specifies a load and
execute address of 0x10800 (got the address by objdump'ing the
elf file:

c-i386-redboot-RAM_install/bin/redboot.elf:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

00108000 <_start>:
  108000:       e4 64                   in     $0x64,%al

I could load other images using the rpld, but not this one.
Building a and execing a floppy image has worked
as well as netloading e.g. a memtest binary image.

The BIOS spits out an error code of 0xAD and says
'RPL halted' followed by booting from the disk.

Thus I am suspecting there's something wrong with the redboot image?
Could it be that the redboot.elf must be loaded by an ELF-capable bootloader
and using the .bin converted from the redboot.elf makes no sense?

Thank you!



Sarah Kreuz, die DSDS-Siegerin der Herzen, mit ihrem eindrucksvollen
Debütalbum "One Moment in Time". http://produkte.web.de/go/05/

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